Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: October 2010

October 21, 2010

Encouragement Seed

10 21 10 Thursday

I write a lot about folk going through tough and difficult times.  You may not be going through anything like that right now.  So why would I ask you to read this each day then?

If you are doing great and all is good in your world; then I recommend that you find someone who is going through a tough time and send them the blog.   Use it to encourage someone else.  At the same time, if you are going through a difficult time I still recommend that you send it on to someone else to encourage them.  Think of it as a seed you are planting.  When we offer encouragement to someone else then we reap encouragement. There will come a time when you will need a good harvest.  I find it in my life to be true.  God’s timing is impeccable.  He knows what we need, but more importantly He knows when we need it.  There can be no mistaking the importance of timing.  So there are two times when we need to encourage others, when we feel like it and when we don’t.  We will always get the harvest at the needed time.  Be the catalyst for someone else that needs the spark in their life.  You will never regret encouraging someone.  Use your smile, a pat not the back, it will come back to you.


October 20, 2010

Speak To It

10 20 10 Wednesday

The words we use everyday and how we use them can and will have a major affect on our destiny.  We need to speak to the situation, the mountain, the circumstances rather speaking about it.

I am not saying that we should never talk about our problems and situations, but when we spend the majority of time rehearsing the circumstances they will simply grow stronger and stronger.  What we spend our time thinking and talking about becomes our focus.  We will move toward what we are focused on.  There is a time to pray about the mountains in our life, but at the same time there is a time to speak to them.  I am not understating the power and need for prayer, but it is also Biblical to speak to the mountain in your life.  Melissa and I speak a blessing over our marriage, home, and family each day.  Then we also pray together each day.  There is a balance, but take time each day to speak to your mountain.  Speak to the root of the situation.  You may not see the desired results immediately, but they will come in time.  Don’t lose hope in life.  Don’t lose hop in your marriage, your job, your family.  Don’t give up in your school, with your friends, and in yourself.


October 19, 2010

6 Million Dollar Folk

10 19 10 Tuesday

Scientist have put a numerical value on what a human life is worth.  That number is 6 million dollars.  Let me tell you; you are worth far more than 6 million dollars. You are more valuable than you can even imagine.

Our own guilt and shame can sometimes make us feel like we are worthless or at the very least less valuable than other folk.  There are times when we look at others and think we are not as valuable as them.  This is not true.  You are valuable and you do add worth and value to others around you.  This world would not be the same without you.  You have a distinct purpose and destiny.  That alone gives you unlimited value.  Even with all our past mistakes and mess; we are still precious.  Just like a 100 dollar bill that has been run over in the parking lot.  It may look ragged at times, but it still has value.  We may have been run over in life, but we still have our worth.  Don’t let your past make you feel like you are worthless.  You are awesome and have unbelievable value.  Your gifting and talent is needed in this world.  We need one another whether we feel like it at times or not.  At the very least we worth 6 million bucks.  In reality we are worth far more than that.


October 18, 2010

Halftime Adjustments

10 18 10 Monday

Yesterday I was able to watch the Saints game, uninterrupted for the most part.  I wrote this during the halftime of that game.  What do teams do at halftime? They make adjustments; which is something we all can learn from.

We all have faced times in our lives, or situations, or just day to day stuff that we need to make some adjustments in how we face them.  When we see the same things over and over; yet we get the same disappointing results; make halftime adjustments.  We have to change our coverage; how we are dealing with an issue or a person.  We have to change our game plan some.  We may not be able to do the things we have been doing the same way every time.  Make some adjustments.  My halftime adjustments would include; adding value to folk, making people feel comfortable around me, offering hope, restoration and reconciliation to others.  To be an encourager to those that are down.  To be a positive force and difference maker in the world around me.  Those are some things that I am working on; yours may be different.  The main point is look at your plan and make the adjustments necessary for a strong second half and a victory.


October 17, 2010

Breakdown or Breakthrough

10 17 10 Sunday

You ever been around folk that never seem to have a bad day or nothing bad ever happens to them?  Been around folk that are just lucky? Well, the truth be known we all have bad days, go through tough times and experience things that are not fair to us.

We can either have a breakdown or a breakthrough.  Every day we are faced with the challenges or the opportunities of life.  It’s all in how we look it and evaluate them.  Some things are just plain unfair, the way some folk treat us, our boss, our spouse, our kids, our friends and complete strangers.  No one is immune to life’s situations.  However, everyone does not respond the same way.  It is in our perspective of things.  Included in that perspective is how we have been raised and taught to handle things.  Don’t play the role of the victim but rather play the role of the victor.  When something comes at you already have your mind made up; “I will take this and learn from it.  I will grow and be better because of it.”  Not a victim or bitter because of it.  Folk of destiny are the ones that have breakthroughs not breakdowns.  Be the stronger person; choose to forgive, to love, to help, to offer hope, to reconcile and restore other folk first.  Take the higher road, the path less traveled. You will be glad you did.  I believe in you and your ability to do this.  Have a major breakthrough today!


October 16, 2010

Within Reach

10 16 10 Saturday

I was talking with my wife Melissa the other night; we were talking how we look at people. She has an awesome perspective when it comes how she sees others.  That is why she has incredible people skills.  From that conversation comes today’s blog; my perspective of folk.

I don’t make friends very easily, not like Melissa.  I find that I am intimidated by folk.  I hear that I intimidate folk though; those two things don’t make it easy to make friends.  I am more afraid of others than they are of me.   However, I do study folk, I watch them to see how they interact with others.  From this I am seeing there are a lot of hurting folk around.  I want the hurting to know that restoration, reconciliation and healing are right there for them.  It is up to them to accept and receive those things into their lives.  So many never do though.  This truly breaks my heart.  What can I do about it though? I don’t have the relationship skills to make a difference.  That is why for now that I write.  One day I will be able to do more face to face, but for now I write.  So if you are one of those hurting folk; please know that your healing, your restoration and your reconciliation is so close.  It is within your reach.  Take that chance and reach out for it.  Today is your day to start the healing, restoring and reconciliation process in your life.  You will never regret it.


October 15, 2010

Keep Hope Alive

10 15 10 Friday

Yesterday’s Encouragement Text was simple, basically it was; outward circumstances may look bad but never lose inward hope. There is a lot of pain in the world today, nobody is immune to it.  However, restoration, reconciliation are also available to us.

When it looks like we are the farthest away from safe, secure, and stable ground the next step is hard to take.  However, the next step could be the one that puts you on good ground.  There are others that would say it could be the one that sends you off the cliff.  However, we can’t stop walking.  Keep hope alive in your life and those around you. Hope will bring the restoration and reconciliation that you are believing on.  I keep this short and to the point today. Keep hope alive and never let go.  Keep standing and believing. You are not alone in your battle.


October 14, 2010

All Wrapped Up

10 14 10 Thursday

There is a lot to be said about a person who operates in grace, mercy, forgiveness, humility and wraps them all in love.  That is a person who is living their destiny.

The type of person that I just described is a jewel.  They are definitely hard to find and they are very rare.  That is what makes them so precious.  They are extremely valuable.  We can spend all of our life looking for that kind of person.  Believe it or not; that person is you.  We all have the capability to be just that type of person and even more.  Deep down that treasure is buried in us.  It is those few who bring mine that gift and bring it out and give it away every day that is so rare.  You have a precious, costly, valuable treasure right on the inside of you.  It gets covered up and smudged up by hurts, disappointments.  These often come out in the form of selfishness.  When we are able to break though the rock of selfishness and deal with the issues that have caused that us to be like that; then we can see the awesome gift that is in us.  I know there have been times I have seen that gift in me; yeah even me.  Even with all our faults and mistakes we have made; the gift is still there. It will never leave you.  I see this incredible gift in my wife everyday and I see it reflected in me.  I know that if I am be a person of destiny then I have to break down those walls that have been built up over the years.  I know that I am not alone in this.  I hope that this helps in some way.  You are awesome and I know that you can be a person of destiny.


October 13, 2010

The Answer

10 13 10 Wednesday

Yesterday we talked about the one thing in life that we look for.  What is the one thing you are searching for? You have spent your life looking for something.

For those of you that read yesterday’s blog; you may have come up with all sorts of answers or maybe nothing at all.  I have really been thinking about this question for a few weeks myself.  I believe for me; peace is the at the top of the list.  If I have peace in my life then no matter what comes my way I am good.  When there is peace where I live; then our house becomes a home.  There can disagreements but if we have peace we work through them.  If there is peace in the home; sickness doesn’t mess us up.  We can handle anything that is thrown at us; when we have peace.  So for me, I want peace in my spirit, soul, and body.  Your answer may differ and that’s cool.  Where you get your answer is up to you.  I find peace in knowing that Jesus is my Savior.  I know that at one time in my life I was messed up, burdened down with guilt and shame, but Jesus touched my life.  For you it maybe a different story, but that is my story and I am sticking with it.  I find my peace in Jesus.  Thankfully, since peace comes from Jesus, no one or no thing can take it away.  Anyways, thanks for the feedback on what your one thing is.  Hope it made you think as much as it did me.


October 12, 2010

Looking For That One Thing

10 12 10 Tuesday

What is that one thing you are looking for in life? What is the one thing that would make your life complete? We all in search of something; what is your something?

So many folk spend their whole life looking for that something to bring them fulfillment and satisfaction.  Many of these folk never find what it is they are looking for.  We all have heard the stories of people that seemed to have everything, but died looking for one thing.  There are the folk that are looking for their one thing in sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, but never find it.  There are those that look for it in material stuff.  They look for it in money and status, but never seem to find it.  We were born with that search instinct.  We were born to find that one thing.  We will never be satisfied, have joy or peace in our lives until we find it.  What is that one thing?  Does it vary from person to person? Will I ever find it? How will I know when I have found it?  Think about it and we will continue along this same line tomorrow.


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