Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: July 2011

July 21, 2011

Word Up

Our words have the power to lift people up or to push people down. Let’s make it our business to lift people up, to brighten their day, to make them feel better about themselves.

It’s easy to see other people’s faults, mistakes, and flaws.  It’s even easier to talk about them in a negative way.  I challenge you today to use your words to lift others up rather than speaking the obvious.  Let’s take the time and make the effort to find the good in a person.  Then let’s capitalize on that good.  Talk them up, encourage them, speak life and hope into their life.  They hear all the bad and negative all the time.  Encourage someone today, tomorrow and then the next day. You may be the only bright spot in their world today!

July 20, 2011

Through Eyes of Love

When we look at others through eyes of love we overlook their faults, addictions, insecurities, & failures. Love overcomes all; all means all.  Just a change in our perspective can make a world of difference.

We all have our issues, granted some seem to have more than others, but no one is exempt from them.  When we begin to give people a break, we are in essence leading them to their breakthrough.  By taking the time to understand that the person we used to hold contempt toward is really no different than anyone else in the fact that we all need to have someone give us a chance to succeed.  By using our eyes of love we can make a difference in the lives of others.  We don’t turn our back on people because of the issues of life have gotten the best of them for a season.  Be a difference maker today in someone’s life.  Look through your eyes of love and be an encourager.  

July 19, 2011

Get Lost

It’s a man thing to not stop and ask for directions when we get lost.  However, today is a great day to get lost in Jesus’s love & just keep going. Go deeper and higher in His great love. 

When we give up control and allow His love to take us deeper and higher; then we have the life we have been searching for most of our lives.  Our fear and pride prevent us from letting His love completely engulf us.  For reasons all our own, we don’t seem to trust His love.  If ever there was love you can trust it is God’s love.  He will not hurt you, betray you, or leave you.  You can let your guard down and take down the walls; then bask in His love.  Hey, it’s not like He doesn’t know all there is to know about you. Yet, He still says, “I love you.”  So ditch the map and just get lost in His love and just keep on going.

July 18, 2011

Be the Difference

To be a friend to the friendless, offer hope to the hopeless, inject encouragement to the discouraged, to love the unloved.  This is a standard or goal that we should commit to each day.

How many times have you been friendless, hopeless, discouraged and unloved? We all have been at a low point in our life when we needed someone to come along beside us and just be there with us, to lift us up, to understand us.  Today pay if forward. There are millions of people in the world that could use your touch right now.  It’s one thing to have them in our thoughts, but take it the next level and reach out to them.  Whether they receive or reject is not on us.  Offer your best with a pure, clean and honest heart.  Be the difference today in someone’s life. 

July 17, 2011

Support System

When you see someone who is struggling, someone at work who is discouraged, a friend who is not up to par, how do you respond? Our words can be what keeps a person going; our compliments can put a spring back into their step. 

Now more than ever, we need to automatically let the encouragement flow. We need to tell others how much we love them, how we value them, and tell them that they are talented and creative. Always remember, with your words you carry life-giving water. You carry hope, healing, encouragement and new beginnings, and you can pour it out everywhere you go. Today, choose to speak encouragement. Choose to speak victory and faith. Instead of telling people what they’re doing wrong, instead of pointing out all their faults, find what they are doing right. Focus on the good. There are already enough critical, judgmental people in the world. Let’s be people who lift up others and restore them. Let’s be the light of Jesus in the world.

July 16, 2011

That One Thing

What is the one thing that you are searching for in life? And out of life? For many it is success, fame, and money.  Nothing wrong with those things, but what is the ONE thing you are looking for today?

I know what it is like to have money in the bank and to be flat broke and in debt. I know what it is like to have friends and to be friendless.  I know what is like to be in the paper, on the news; for good things and to be totally unnoticed.  None of these things had any lasting value though without peace.  Peace really isn’t just one thing, but many attributes tied together.  When you have peace you have so much more.  When your life is going haywire, if you have peace, you can see the answer.  When we have peace in the storm, we know that no matter what happens, God is going to take care of me and my family.  Today I highly recommend that you search for peace for your life.  Peace like a river, that never stops flowing through you to others.  Peace is contagious.  When you have peace, those around you will begin to pick up on it.  Go after peace today, you will see great and wonderful results.

July 15, 2011

Your Encouraging Words

Our words have the power to lift people up or push people down. We can say something to make others feel better about themselves or make them feel worse. It’s amazing what a simple compliment will do. When you tell someone “You look nice today,” or “Great job on that presentation at the office,” or “I really enjoy working with you,” those simple words will put a spring in their step and brighten their day. It doesn’t take much time and doesn’t cost you anything, yet with your words, you can bless their life.

That’s the power God has given each one of us. Every day we should have a goal of finding at least one person that we can encourage. Let’s be free with our compliments. Point out what somebody is doing right, not what they are doing wrong. There is already enough pushing people down. Let’s make it our business to lift people up, to brighten their day, to make them feel better about themselves. Remember, your words are seeds. When you deposit life and blessing into others, that’s what you’ll reap in your own life in return!

July 14, 2011

Word Check

Has strife entered into your life? Do you find yourself talking rudely, harshly, and unloving to those around you? Today is the day to remove that strife from your daily life.

What is strife exactly? It is anger, it is bitter disagreement.  There is no way we can have peace, joy and love in our life if we have allowed strife to enter.  Check your words today. Check your intent when talking to others today.  Strife can come in and we not even know it.  The damage done through strife can hurt your relationships.  You may need to go to someone or some group today and apologize for your words.  When we admit and then change the way we talk to others; we crush that strife.  When you feel it starting to rise up on the inside of you; then just be quiet.  Most of our problems will be eliminated when we get the strife out of our life.  

July 13, 2011

Making Changes Today

Do you expect the best out of life or have you just settled in your mind; it will not get any better than this? Never settle for less than the best.

When we continue to have set backs in our life, we can get a mindset of ‘it will never get any better than this’.  “My best days were so long ago.  I might as well just get used to it cause nothing is ever going to change.” Mindsets and paradigms can be hard to change.  That is how the enemy to our life keeps us bound up and defeated.  When we begin to change ourselves and stop trying to change the circumstances and those around us; we will see the change we were looking for in the first place.  We all have mindset changes that we need to make today.  Begin to see yourself well, whole, complete.  See yourself coming out of debt, breaking bad habits, getting in shape.  See yourself the way you were meant to be and make that a goal in your everyday life.  Make small improvements every day and those will lead to major positive changes in your life.  Today can be your greatest day and tomorrow really can be even better.

July 12, 2011

Injecting Hope

If we are completely honest, myself included, we all have times when we feel hopeless.  We feel like nothing is ever going to work out in our favor.

I will be the first to admit that there have been days and extended periods of time when I really believed and felt like there was no hope in my life.  I could not see any way that anything could ever be right again.  You may be here now or have felt this way at some time too.  But truth is; there is hope.  As long as we have breath in our body we have hope.  There is hope for you to break that addiction, there is hope for healing in your body, your mind, your spirit.  There is hope for your spouse, your children, your best friend, and for you.  We all have our hopeless story, but make it a point to focus on your hope.  When those hopeless feelings start to rise up on the inside, crush them with the truth.  Inject hope into your hopelessness.  Stand on the truth of hope today! Make today a day of hope and build on that for tomorrow.  Yes, there is hope for you!

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