Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: August 2011

August 21, 2011

No Ordinary Love

You may be planning ordinary, but God is planning extraordinary. You have to believe, and then you’ll see His overwhelming love for you.

When we don’t think we have the ability, talent, or gift to do what we have been created to do; we are telling God he made a mistake with us.  There is a power residing on the inside of you.  The power of destiny, purpose, hope, and love.  We may be ordinary, but when we let God have His way with us; get ready for the extraordinary.  The key difference between ordinary and extraordinary is love. The love that God has placed in us will make all the difference in the world.  There is nothing impossible to the person that is operating in the love of God.  Let the love of God flow through you today and go from ordinary to extraordinary!

August 20, 2011

No More Mess

Are you living in the wilderness of guilt and shame? Jesus loves you and has an awesome plan for your life.

We can get so loaded down with regrets, guilt, and shame that we never see the light of day.  This type of live can easily lead to a depression.  God never intended on us being depressed or living in all this mess.  There is so much going on today that we get caught up in before we realize how deep we are in it.  Debt, unforgiveness, broken relationships, and such can easily rob us of our destiny if we allow it to.  Just remember that Jesus does love you and has a plan for your life.  Shake off those feelings of guilt and shame.  Allow the love of God to remove all those depressed feelings.  By doing so, you will change the outlook of your life and see your destiny and purpose much more clearly.  Today is the day to step into your destiny filled, stress free life.

August 19, 2011

Just Have Fatih

Have faith in God today. He holds all the answers. He sets miracles into motion. He will begin to change things in your favor.

It is a good thing when we have done all we can do. That’s when God steps in and takes over.  If only we would come to that point sooner than later.  We get all tied up in knots, stressed out, frustrated and worried; about the situations we are facing in life.  When we allow God to have His way in our life we will see miracles, blessings and favor.  God doesn’t always remove us from the situation, but He will never abandon us either.  He will take us through the storms of life.  Never doubt the love that He has for us.  He will never put more on us than we can take.  Have trust, in other words, trust God today.  He does know it all and will be there for you.  Deliverance, healing, and hope are in your immediate future.  

August 18, 2011

Peace in Your Storm

Do you have a true peace about your life? Is your conscience clean and clear? When the difficult times come in life; are you still calm and peaceful? 

There are going to be difficult times in life. It’s not a matter of if we encounter them, but when will we encounter them. When we do run into the storms of life there is peace available for us.  We can remain calm and still even during the worse of storms.  Like the eye of the hurricane; there is a peaceful and calm place for us today.  God’s peace will keep you encouraged, full of hope, and full of life during the worst days of your life.  You may be in the storm today; financially, mentally, physically, but instead of being devastated, know there is a peaceful place designed just for you.  God has you in the palm of His hand.  There is peace and rest there for you today.  We get strength, confidence and courage from this place.  God is looking out for you today! Go in peace!

August 17, 2011

Be Expecting

Are you expecting God to fill you and increase you beyond measure? One thing we have to realize is that negative thinking closes us off to what God wants to do in our lives.

 If you go around thinking “Well, I don’t think I’ll ever meet my sales goals this year with the economy like it is;” or “I don’t think I’ll ever get promoted. I’m not that qualified;” or “I don’t think I’ll ever get well,” then the problem is that your mouth is barely open. But Jesus said, “According to your faith, it will be done unto you.” He might as well have said, “If you’ve got a cup, I’ll fill you with a cup level of blessing. If you’ve got a bucket, I’ll fill you with a bucket level of blessing.” Jesus is saying today, “Why don’t you take the limits off? Why don’t you believe for supernatural opportunities? Why don’t you go out each day expecting increase and promotion?” Expect favor, expect peace, expect joy. If you’ll go out each day expecting far-and-beyond favor, if you’ll “open wide your mouth,” you won’t be disappointed. He’ll fill your cup until it overflows and lead you into the abundant life He has in store for you!

August 16, 2011

All Times

If you’ll give the Lord your trust and confidence, God will prosper you even in the desert. He’ll prosper you even in difficult times.

Some people get all worked up when they hear the word ‘prosper.’  These are people that think it is only about money.  They are usually the more selfish people you will find.  Prosper does include money, but there are many things that are included in prosper.  When we trust God with our life and destiny, He will see that we prosper in any way that it takes to get the job done.  It doesn’t matter if the economy is in the tank, doesn’t matter if there is an epidemic going around, famine or drought; God will see to it that you have what it needed to fulfill your destiny.  Remember your destiny is not about you, but about others.  So when you prosper it is for those around you.  That’s why selfish people get worked up about it.  Trust God today and He will see to it that you are okay.  He does want you to live your destiny.

August 15, 2011

You Are You

You were created in the image of God. He gave you the personality you have for a purpose! You may not be like everyone else, that’s okay.

We have all heard that; we are unique and special; there is no one else just like you.     This is very true.  You are not like others and there is nothing wrong with that truth.  You were created just like you are for a reason.  You have a God-birthed purpose and destiny that no one can fulfill like you.  Don’t despise the way you are, the way you look, the way you sound or anything else about yourself.  You have been wonderfully created in a special way.  We all have quirks that we don’t like and we have little things that may drive others crazy, but that’s okay too.  None of us are perfect, so don’t let that get in your way.  Realize today that you are who you are, the way you are and that’s awesome, because you are awesome! 

August 14, 2011

Being Patient

Are you believing God for something that seems to be taking a long time? In the natural, you may have every reason to give up on what God has placed in your heart. At times, you may be tempted to get discouraged, but remember, God knows exactly where you are. He knows the desires He’s placed within you. He knows even the hidden dreams — what the scripture calls the secret petitions of your heart. Those are the things that you haven’t told anyone about. Maybe you thought they would never work out, or you’ve buried them because they didn’t happen on your timetable. But God still has a way to bring them to pass. Be encouraged today because God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Delight yourself in Him — find joy in serving Him and make your heart moldable in His hands. Don’t settle for mediocrity because God knows what’s in you, and His plan is to finish the work He began in you!

August 13, 2011

Your Choice

Every day we have the choice to choose how we will live; in happiness and gladness or in discouragement and frustration.  Which do you choose? Your face will tell the tale.

If anyone has told you that; ‘life is fair, easy and a piece of cake,’ they were lying to you.  Life is full of twists, turns and obstacles.  We do get to choose though how we respond to these situations.  You can choose to be happiness and gladness or discouragement and frustration.  We can’t let the situation we are facing determine how we respond.  No matter what comes your way; respond with happiness and gladness.  I didn’t say to be glad or happy bad things happen, but we can still choose to be happy.  No one is responsible for making us happy and glad but us.  When we stop looking for others or material things to make us happy; then we will make huge strides to having an internal peace and joy that will lead to us being happy and glad despite life.  

August 12, 2011

Stay the Course

When you get in a tough situation and everything goes against you, never give up, that’s is just time that the tide will turn in your favor.

“Those who stay will be champions,” was a saying on the wall in my classroom at Open Door when I taught there.  By not giving up and finishing the race we will be a champion.  When we refuse to throw in the towel, there will come a time when the tide will turn in our favor.  Sadly, many people give up just before the situation breaks and the tide does indeed turn.  No matter what it looks like today in your life, don’t give up.  Stay with it, don’t get that divorce, don’t drop out of school, don’t turn on that friend, or any other situation.  Choose today to not give up, finish the course.  You will be the winner if you stay and finish. 

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