Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: July 2012

July 23, 2012

Messed Up

You were created in a unique way. There is no one else on the planet like you. Never has been nor ever will be another you.

When you try to please everyone and adapt to what they think you should be, then your life will be all messed up. When you try to do things your own way and make things happen that you aren’t supposed to, your life will resemble a train wreck. You were created to be you, not who everyone else thinks you should be. Be careful who you allow to speak into your life. Remember, God created you on purpose, with a purpose. He has a plan for you. It is your choice whether or not you follow His plan for your life. When you do, there will be tough times, but they will be to shape you and form you. When you don’t follow His plan there will still be tough times, but they will be to destroy you. Never take for granted your purpose for being created. Don’t limit your destiny. Don’t stop short of your purpose here. There are people, people you don’t know, depending on you to live your destiny. Are you following the wrong plan for your today?

July 22, 2012

Being Thankful

Be thankful today; even if things in your life are going haywire. Take time to find something to be thankful for right now.

At the beginning of 2012 I started a thankful journal; actually two of them. I write in them each day, one for my wife and one for my daughter. I write a few sentences telling them how thankful I am for them. I have to think of something each day that I appreciate them for. This has kept me in a thankful, grateful mindset for this year. Not only do I find things about them, but also about others. It’s hard to argue with someone when you are thinking about how thankful you are for them. I will give them the journals at the end of the year for Christmas. When you are thankful it will change your mindset. You may not want to do a thankful journal, but find someone every day and tell them you are thankful for them. Also, tell them why. It’s not enough just to tell someone you are thankful, tell them why. Be sincere and mean it too. Empty compliments are just that, empty. Is there someone you need to tell right now how thankful you are for them? Can you find someone every day and thank them for who they are?


July 21, 2012

Embrace Transition

Transition is a place we all go to, but never seem to enjoy being there. 

We all through transitions in our life. It seems like the past few years I have lived in transition. Going through one change after another. There are few people that enjoy going through changes. However, when we learn that change is a way of life; transition is not such a bad place. There comes a time when we have to embrace change and enjoy our time in transition. With change comes growth and with growth comes transition. A change of perspective about change will make the time spent in transition more enjoyable. Learn to anticipate changes in your life before they come. Those that avoid transition are those that never grow and mature. They blame others for all their problems and failures. This is not the attitude or practice of a destiny minded, purpose-filled person. Is there an area of your life that transition is coming? Are you ready to embrace and accept change and growth?


July 20, 2012

Too Blessed to Stress

God’s plan is for you to prosper and be successful in every area of your life.

Some people might say, “I don’t see how you can say that with the economy like it is. All the experts are saying it’s going to get worse before it gets better.” That may be true, but it doesn’t have to be true for believers in Jesus. We are connected to a supply line that will never run dry. Don’t be talked in to having a bad year. The economy is not your source. God is your source. God wants to bless you beyond your salary. He wants to bless you beyond your normal income. He likes to do unusual things. He can bless you with what I call an explosive blessing! That means, all of the sudden, unexpectedly, something happens that takes you to a new level. Old limitations are broken, and suddenly, you find yourself further than you ever dreamed! We have to separate ourselves from the system of the world and set our heart and mind on the Word of God. When you meditate on His promises and follow His commands, you will experience these explosive blessings. When you put Him first, you will be strong and stable, and whatever you do will prosper!


July 19, 2012

Be Expectant

When you go about your day, are you looking for God’s favor? Do you expect His goodness to overflow?

Many people wake up and just believe to make it through the day, but God has so much more in store for you. What He has laid out for your future is more than you can imagine! What He’s got arranged for your family is more than you’ve ever even dreamed of. I believe that if you will take hold of this truth by faith, you will see supernatural doors begin to open. You’ll see promotion like you haven’t seen before! No matter where you are in life, no matter what’s happening around you, start looking for more of God’s favor. Don’t settle for where you are. Don’t settle for just barely getting by. Believe that God is good, and He wants to do more in and through you. Remember, what you seek, you will find. So go after Him first, and He will pour out His supernatural favor upon you!

July 18, 2012

Your Destiny and Purpose

No matter what is happening in your life today you have a reason to be excited about your future!

If things seem dark right now, know that the dawn will soon appear. The key is you have to remember that you are not here by accident. You have a purpose and destiny to fulfill, and He isn’t finished with you yet. Your best days are not behind you; your best days are out in front of you. One thing I know is that God is a God of increase. He has greater things in store for your future than you have experienced in your past. His dream for your future is so much bigger than your own. He wants to take you places that you’ve never dreamed and open up doors that you’ve never imagined. He wants to bring talent out of you that you didn’t even know you had. He wants to increase you and cause you to be a greater blessing to the people around you. Get your hopes up and get excited about your future! Keep standing, keep believing and keep moving forward because God has explosive blessings in store for you!


July 17, 2012

Stay With It Podcast/Blog

The closer you get to the finish line, to your victory; the harder it gets, the more tired you will be. Don’t give up now, finish strong!

Click here to listen to Podcast

There are times in life that we all get tired; tired of trying to make our business grow, tired of dealing with a sickness, tired of raising difficult children, tired of being lonely, tired of dealing with an addiction. You can even be doing what you love, living in the house of your dreams, raising great children, or working at your dream job. If you’re not careful, you can lose your passion and become tried and want to give up.  When you feel like giving up that is when you have to wait on God and hope in Him. Don’t give up when the finish line, your breakthrough is right around the corner, so close. God promises He will renew your strength. You aren’t supposed to drag through life defeated, depressed, and under the circumstances of life. You’re going to overcome every obstacle, defeating every enemy and accomplishing every God-given dream. Don’t give up today. Stay with it one more day, you will see the finish line. The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train, but it’s your victory. Is there a situation that is getting the best of you today? Are you willing to stay in the fight one more day, one more day and one more day?

Podcast: Download/listen to in iTunes/Download

July 16, 2012

Forgetting the Past

Are you determined to forget the past? Can you remove the thoughts that hold you back?

I know many people don’t fully understand what that means. They wonder, “How can I forget something that’s happened to me?” One definition of the word forget is to disregard intentionally or to overlook. In other words, you have to choose to disregard your past so that it doesn’t hold you back. That means the good and the bad. Sometimes our past victories keep us from rising higher as much as our past failures can. If we don’t let go of the old, we’ll never be able to embrace the new. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in your past, it’s time to forget what lies behind and make the choice to look forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. Trust that He who promised is faithful — as you forget what lies behind and press forward, you’ll experience His power and blessing in a fresh, new way. Are there memories you need to let go of today? Does your past keep knocking you down?

July 15, 2012

Book Review: Grant; Savior of the Union by Mitchell Yockelson

Being a history nut and a former history teacher this book attracted me. Grant is well written in a way that a non history buff would enjoy it and find it easy to follow. Yockelson is an excellent writer and has done his research for his writing. It is fun to read his stuff. He follows Grant throughout his life; the high points and low points. Yockelson doesn’t bog you down with excess details but gives you the facts with just enough details to keep you wanting more. Grant is followed from his youth throughout his presidency. The Civil War days are covered in a way that is very interesting.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in biographies of great leaders or just likes history. Grant will appeal to a variety of readers.

July 15, 2012

Standing Strong

Are you dealing with a situation that just doesn’t look like it is ever going to change for the better? Don’t give up!

Today’s society seems to give up to quick. Marriages are ending at an alarming rate because the couple aren’t willing to work out their issues. People give up on trying to lose weight, get out of debt, or going to school. These are just a few of the things that people give up on. One of the worse things you can give up on is yourself. Don’t quit on yourself. Don’t give up! You have the ability to do everything God has created you to do. The frustration comes in when you start trying to do things that He has not commissioned you to do. No matter what you facing today, dig in your heels and refuse to give up. It’s not over til God says it’s over. If God created you for a purpose then you can accomplish it. He doesn’t created no junk! Is there something, some situation in your life today that you are ready to give up on? Is there someone you are tempted to give up on? Are you giving up on yourself?


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