Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: September 2012

September 21, 2012

Your Focused Process

The more prepared you are, the more confident and focused you will be. Focus on your part, the process, to be the best you can possibly be.

Go out today and be your best. Don’t try to be like another, be you. Work on your gift and what you are good at. When you operate in your creative zone then you will be more confident. When you re confident you will notice your focus level rise too. When you are focused on your purpose you will be in your zone and you will see things workout like never before. The work will be hard, but you will be making a difference and you will be able to tell the difference. Stay focused on the process, not the results, not the destination. Make adjustments in your life as you go forward, but don’t for a second take your focus off the process.  From this day on be prepared, confident and focused on the process of your life.  You are a difference maker in the works. This is your day, you were born for just this time. Now go out and be the person you were created to be. Are you ready to get focused on your process today?


September 20, 2012

Attitude and Perspective

Two things you can always control your attitude and perspective.

There are so many things that people want to control that they have no right to control.  You can’t control how others act or think. You have no control of the weather. You can’t control the conditions around you. However, there are two things that you can control; your attitude and perspective. When you stop trying to control all the other things and focus on these two things; you won’t have the desire to control all the other stuff. When you control your attitude and determine to have a good attitude no matter is going on; then you will overcome every obstacle. When you control your perspective and see people the they should be; then you will not have issues with others.  All the problems you were having before will still be there, but now they won’t have control over you. When you try to control stuff outside your domain; then you will be the one that ends up being controlled.  Take control of your attitude and perspective today. Get your attitude set by having the right perspective. You can be a difference maker when you have control of your attitude and perspective. Do you need to make some attitude and perspective adjustments today?


September 19, 2012

Confidence Level

Do not let losing or failure take away from your confidence. When your foundation confidence is strong you will not fall under pressure.

You are going to have failure and losses in your life. How you respond to these situations is critical to your confidence. When you have a strong, base, foundational confidence there is nothing or no one that can take it away from you.  However, if your confidence is not structured and sound; then seasons of losing or failure will bring you down. It is vital to have a healthy confidence that can withstand the pressure; so that you don’t fold under the pressure. You don’t want to be arrogant or cocky because that isn’t healthy base confidence. You want to have a confidence that comes from the truth. The truth being that you are a blessed individual, that has a God-given talent and gift. The truth is your confidence comes from knowing that God has a plan for your life. Go out today knowing that you are a confident person. Even if your confidence level isn’t as high as it should be yet. Your foundation may not be as strong as it needs to be yet. However, it is getting better each and every day. Keep your head up. Everything you do does make a difference. You matter and you do count. Is your confidence strong today?

September 18, 2012

Frustrated by Wrong Focus

Stay focused on the process, those things which you can control. You feel frustrated when you focus on things outside your control.

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When you get your focus on the right things you will see good results. When you start focusing on things outside your control you will see a rise in frustration. There are only a few things you can really control without being controlling. You were not designed to control others. You were created with the ability to control yourself. You can control your attitude and perspective. Keep you eyes on the process at hand. Stay focused only on that. When you are frustrated because you have lost your focus nothing will get done. You see people all the time that are all over the place, always upset, always getting on to others, but never getting anything accomplished. They are focusing on things outside of their control.  Take inventory of your gifting and what you have control over in your own life. Stay there with your focus. You will see your life get far more simpler. You will get things done and accomplish more than ever before. Going from busy to productive never felt so good. Are you focused on things outside your control?

September 17, 2012

Focus Your Focus

A crucial step to becoming confident is to switch your focus from what you’re trying to do, the outcome, to how you will do it, the process.

It’s not so much where you are going, but how you are getting there. Once you have determined your outcome goal, then shift your focus to the process of getting there. Make the changes that are necessary along the way, but never lose focus of the process of getting there. Don’t let the hard hits and mistakes you make getting there stop you, discourage you or distract you. Keep you focus sharp and clear. Know what you are doing at all times. We may not always understand things, but know they are part of the process. Keep developing your gift and talent. Work hard and even more important work smart on becoming the best person you can be. You have a purpose for being right where you are or you wouldn’t be here. Have you lost your focus on the process? Ready to get it back today?

September 16, 2012

Scoreboard Watching

Positive thinking, confidence and mental toughness don’t look at the outcome but they focus on the process. Stay focused on the process!

Your final destination should not be your focal point. Your focus area should be the task at hand, what you are doing right now. When you stay focused on what you can control and what you can do; then everything will fall into place. When you get distracted on the stuff going on around you; then you will loss your focus and get off track. In sports we call this scoreboard watching. When you keep looking at the scoreboard you will loss your intensity and focus. That is when other things will trip you up along the way. Keep you eyes on what you are supposed to be doing. There will be plenty of time for reflecting once the job is done. Keep your thinking on your job. This will keep your confidence high and your mental toughness will continue to grow. Do you need to change your focus today?


September 15, 2012

Confidence Man

Confidence is a major key in your success. You got to believe in your God-given gift and that you can accomplish your task.

Do you lack confidence in yourself? Do you doubt that you have the goods? Your level of confidence will have a lot to do with your level of success. Make sure that you have a good, healthy definition of success. Success is not all about bright lights and glamour. Success can mean that you accomplish your destiny, even though no one ever really noticed. It doesn’t mean your arrogant or cocky because you have confidence in your God-given gift. When you have confidence and humility there is nothing or no one that can stop you. Start today developing your confidence in your gift. Don’t let fear or doubt get in your way. You have what it takes right now inside you to reach your destiny. Be a great example for others to follow. Are you having trouble with confidence in yourself?


September 14, 2012

Self Motivated

People and experiences can help you motivate yourself, but you’re responsible for your own motivation and you control how motivated you are.

Do you have to be motivated and inspired to get going each day? Do you have to have someone pushing you to be all you can be all the time? Or are you a self-motivated person? Others can help motivate you, but today it’s time to become the controller of your own motivation. Be a self-starter. Be the one that is inspiring others. When you are the one that is always having to get others moving and shaking then you are enabling them. You can help them, but don’t be their source. What’s going to happen when you both have a bad day, week, decade? I love inspiring others, I enjoy motivating you, but I am not your source. I want to encourage you, but at the same time point you in the direction of The Source. God is your source, He is my source. You are responsible for your own motivation and how motivated you will be. Be motivated today to be the difference maker you were created to be. Be a self motivated and inspired person. This is your day to make a major change in your life so that you can be the change others need to see. Are you a self-motivated person? Do you motivate others?

September 13, 2012

Mental Toughness

As your mental toughness rises so does your confidence. These two feed off one another. When you know you can do it, no one can stop you.

We hear a lot about mental toughness, but rarely do we think we have it. It is something that you have to develop and work on. The upside to this work is that your confidence will rise as does your mental toughness. Anyone can develop mental toughness, and must if you want more confidence. I would hope that you would want to develop your mental toughness, because I want you to be more confident in yourself. Be able to endure the tough moments in your life and not all apart. Be able to help others when there is a situation around you. Mental toughness will enable you to just that. You will also have the confidence to step up and do what is necessary when it is necessary. Don’t let doubt and insecurity rob you of your confidence. Start today developing mental toughness. I believe you will love the benefits of doing this.

September 12, 2012

A Place Called Ordinary

Today is the day to go for extraordinary. Don’t settle for average or ordinary another day. Step up and be more to more.

The only reason a person is average or ordinary is because they choose to be. I have said time and time again there is greatness inside of you. However, if you don’t choose to be extraordinary then you will stay in the place called ordinary. Granted some people are happy with ordinary. They don’t have to try hard to stay there. They don’t have to do anything extra to be in ordinary. This is not you though. You are never pleased or happy in ordinary. There is nothing in average or ordinary that appeals to you. You are always learning, growing, maturing and trying new things. You will never be content to be average. Today is a great day to step out of ordinary into extraordinary. It is up to you to be all that you can possibility be. Remember, it takes little to no effort to be average, but give that extra and be extraordinary. Step up and out today. Take that step of faith. Be who God created you to be. Have you been staying in ordinary? Are you ready to make that move today?

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