Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 27, 2012

Benefit of the Doubt Podcast/Blog

When you give someone the benefit of the doubt you will make a friend and make a difference in their life.

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Many times we want to just write someone off when we think or even know they have made a mistake. However, when you believe the best in that person, look for the good and the positive in them, you will make a difference in their life. It’s easy to just cut someone out of your life when they have messed up, possibly even hurt you, but you aren’t like that. You will look for the good, look for the positive. It’s there, it may be covered up, hidden and hard to find, but it’s there. Don’t give up on them. It may not be easy, but if it were easy everyone would be doing it. Find someone that needs a break. Find that person that is hurting and while they are hurting they are hurting others and show them you do care. Demonstrate that you give them that benefit of the doubt. Let them know that everyone is not against them. Give them room to make a mistake, because we all make them. Cut them enough slack to keep them from getting hurt even more. Is there someone in your life today that needs your benefit? Can you show that person that you aren’t like everyone else? Today is your day to make a difference in their life.


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