Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 1, 2015

Stored Up

If you could see what God has stored up for you, the people you’re going to meet, the places you’re going to go, the good breaks that are going to find you, you would be amazed.

It’s going to be the surpassing greatness of God’s power. But too often, we make excuses. We come up with reasons why this is not going to happen for us. “Well, that sounds good, but I don’t have the training, the talent, the connections.” Or, “I come from the wrong family. I’m the wrong nationality. I’m too short. I’ll never come into my garden.” No, God is not limited by your circumstances, your family or who is against you. When God breathed His life into you, He put a blessing on you that overrides anything that comes against you! The blessings God has stored up for you cannot be stopped by people, bad breaks or injustice. God has the final say. Be encouraged today because God is taking you to a place of blessing. Don’t focus on your circumstances; focus on your God because He is not limited by your limitations! Are you ready for what God has your life today?

May 23, 2014

Blessing Others

Have you thought about the people in your life who need your blessing?

They need your approval. They need to hear you say, “I’m proud of you. You’re going to do great things.” That’s speaking the blessing. That’s releasing a blessing into their future. When you say to the people you love, “I’m so glad you’re in my life. You mean the world to me,” you just gave them the blessing. When you tell one of your employees, coworkers or a student, “You amaze me with your ability. You have such a bright future,” those are not just nice compliments. When you speak the blessing, you’re releasing God’s wisdom, protection, and love into their future. You can literally help shape their destiny. One word of encouragement, one word of approval can be what helps them to really step up to who God created them to be. Today, choose to speak the blessing. Sow good seeds into the lives of the people you love. Remember, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. Are you speaking blessings today?

April 9, 2014


I’ve heard it said that you can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.

Love is about reaching out and meeting the needs of others. Sometimes meeting someone’s needs is as simple as a smile or sharing a word of encouragement. There are many ways to show the love of God. Can you pay for someone’s gas or groceries? Do you see a need in someone’s life that you can meet? Today and every day, look for ways to put your love into action. Step out and sow good seeds of love by meeting the needs of others. When you are a blessing to others, then you will be blessed in return. Are you being a blessing today?


February 24, 2014


Have you thought about the people in your life who need your blessing?

They need your approval. They need to hear you say, “I’m proud of you. You’re going to do great things.” That’s speaking the blessing. That’s releasing a blessing into their future. When you say to the people you love, “I’m so glad you’re in my life. You mean the world to me,” you just gave them the blessing. When you tell one of your employees, coworkers, friend or a student, “You amaze me with your ability. You have such a bright future,” those are not just nice compliments. When you speak the blessing, you’re releasing wisdom, protection, affirmation into their future. You can literally help shape their destiny. One word of encouragement, one word of approval can be what helps them to really step up to who God created them to be. Today, choose to speak the blessing. Sow good seeds into the lives of the people you love. Are you speaking blessings into people’s lives today?


December 13, 2013

Time to Receive

Limits begin where vision ends.

God has greater blessings in store for you! He has favor in your future like you’ve never imagined. He wants to take you places that you’ve never dreamed. But in order for us to partake of all these blessings, we have to increase our capacity to receive. Think about this: if you have a one-gallon bucket, and someone has fifty gallons to give you, the problem is not with the supply. The problem is that you don’t have the capacity to receive the fifty gallons. But if you get rid of that small container and get something larger, then you will be able to receive more. It’s the same way with God. If we think we’ve reached our limits, the problem isn’t that God doesn’t have the resources or the ability. The problem is that our container is too small. We have to enlarge our vision and make room for the new things God has for us. Our attitude should be, “Even though the economy is down, I know God is still on in charge. I know wherever I go His goodness and mercy follow me.” When you have that kind of attitude, you’re increasing your capacity to receive so that you can live the abundant life He has in store for you. Are you ready to receive today?


December 5, 2013

You’re Blessed

Today, I want to speak words of blessing over you.

I want to speak to your inner greatness. Someone may have told you what you can’t become, but I’m here to tell you what you can become.  You are a person of destiny. You are equipped. You are talented. You are creative. You were designed for a purpose. You are loved, chosen and accepted by God. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you more and nothing you can do to make Him love you less. His grace is sufficient for you. His angels have charge over you. You are blessed coming in and blessed going out. You have uncommon wisdom. You have uncommon joy. You have uncommon peace. He is your vindicator, and He will fight for you! No weapon formed against you shall prosper as you serve Him all the days of your life. Are you believing that you are blessed?


October 23, 2013

All About Others

There are a lot of people who are successful in this world.

They’ve accomplished their goals in the public eye.  However being successful isn’t just about what you make happen for yourself, it’s about what you make happen for others. It’s when you realize, “God has blessed me not to just sit back and let everyone see what I have done; God has blessed me to be a blessing to others. God has helped me to win so I can help somebody else win.” In other words, it’s when you realize, “God helped me overcome this addiction, now I’m going to go find somebody and help them overcome.” Or, “God has blessed me with a happy family. I’m going to go find a family that’s struggling and help them get back on track.” That’s what being successful is really all about. Look for ways to help others succeed. Reach back and give freely of the talents and abilities you’ve been given. Are you helping others be successful today?


August 24, 2013

Be the Blessing

So much of our culture is inward focused.

People are conditioned to think, “What’s in it for me?” But the most rewarding way to live is not with the attitude, “How can I get what I want today?” No, if we are always self-focused wondering how we can benefit, that’s living with a shallow, temporary mentality. Instead of looking out only for your good, turn it around and say, “How can I be a blessing to others? Who can I inspire to be their best? What can I do to make a difference in someone’s life today?” Friend, that’s living at a higher level. I encourage you to be on the lookout for ways to be a blessing to other people. It’s amazing how one word of encouragement can change the direction of a person’s life forever. When you reach out and speak the truth over others, when you speak vision and cause others to change, something supernatural happens to your own life. It won’t be long before you see yourself excelling and rising up higher when you live with an eternal perspective. Are you being a blessing to others today?


April 20, 2013

Forget the Past

If you live life with the intention of making a difference in others lives, your life will be full, not empty.

Are you determined to forget what lies behind? I know many people don’t fully understand what it means to forget the past. They wonder, “How can I forget something that’s happened to me?” But one definition of the word forget is to disregard intentionally or to overlook. See, you have to intentionally disregard your past so that it doesn’t keep you from moving forward. That means the good and the bad. Sometimes our past victories keep us from moving forward as much as past failures. If we don’t let go of the old, we’ll never be able to embrace the new. Remember, it doesn’t matter what’s happened in your history, it’s time to forget what lies behind. Make the choice today to press forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. As you intentionally disregard what lies behind and press forward, I believe God will pour out His favor, grace and blessing upon you and lead you into the abundance He has prepared for you. Are you forgetting what is in your past?


April 18, 2013

What Are You Giving

Giving of your time, expertise, and resources without expecting anything in return is an unselfish act that makes the world a better place.

What are you devoted to in your life? Being devoted to something is simply being loyal by giving of your time, affection and resources. Many people today are devoted to certain restaurants, television programs and even their cell phones! There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but we have to examine our own hearts and see if we are being devoted to the people God has placed in our lives. Are we honoring others above ourselves? The world’s system says to “look out for number one—yourself,” but God’s system says “look out for others, and I will look out for you.” Today, as you examine your own heart and life, ask the Lord to show you ways that you can honor others. One way is by simply being faithful to your word. Be a person of integrity and honor. As you live your life devoted to one another and honoring others, you are actually honoring God. He will repay you for your kindness and reward you in this life and in eternity. What are you giving today?


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