Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 4, 2012

Focus on Your X

The normal conduct of life challenges your focus. You need a system of keeping your eye on the ball. Stay focused on the X on the ball.

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When I talk to football players, wide receivers in particular, I talk to them about focus. Not just go catch the ball. It’s one thing to tell someone what to do, but it’s another to tell them how to do it. Anyways, when talking to these players about focus, I tell them; “See the ball; catch the ball. Focus on the X and nothing else.” The ‘X’ of the football is where the stitching on each end of the ball comes together. It forms a small X. If they will focus on that, then they have a much better chance of catching the ball. The same goes for you and me in our lives. We have to stay focused on the task at hand. Concentrate on the small things. See a little; see a lot. See a lot; see a little. When you focus on what you are supposed to do and not on the things you have no control over; then you will succeed. There are many, many distractions in your everyday life, so trying to focus on too much is impossible. Keep it small and simple. Focus is attainable for all. Are you focusing on your ‘X’ today?


November 17, 2012

Healing Words

Don’t conceal your pain and hurts any longer. Get healed today of your wounds. Keeping secrets will only keep you in torment.

I know all too well what keeping secrets can do to oneself. They will keep you in torment. There is only one way to get the healing you want so desperately for your pain. That is to expose it and get the attention that it needs. There are different ways to deal with emotional as well as mental pain and hurts. However, one of the them is not keeping it locked up in your heart and mind. You don’t have to or need to tell everybody about your pain but find the person that can help you. They are already in your life, God will put them with you. Someone that you can trust and that has the wisdom to help you. The longer you keep the secret of your pain locked away, the more hurt it will cause you. Sure getting it out will be painful, but only for a short time. The healing that comes from exposing it will be more than enough to overcome any discomfort you felt. Some of you have been carrying around emotional hurt and pain for years. Maybe since you were a child. Rejection, disappointment, abuse, there are all kinds of hurts. Take the first step today to your healing. Don’t carry around your pain any longer. Are you hurting today from emotional pain?

November 15, 2012

Character and Integrity

Character will protect your talent. When you have integrity you will guard your talent.

Your talent will take you places where your character may not can keep you. This has been true in my life. I have the talent but at times in my past I didn’t have the character. Now my integrity protects my talent. Where my talent takes me my integrity will keep my character in check. No matter how talented you are, you have to have the integrity to guard it. Character does protect it, but guarding it takes it to another level. Integrity is the key to reaching your full destiny by using your talent. God has given you a specific talent to use, make sure you don’t waste that talent by not have good character and integrity. We see in pro sports all the time where great talented athletes don’t have the character or integrity to keep them on a high level. No one wants them on their team because they are not good for the chemistry of the team. You may never be making millions playing professional sports, but your character and integrity is just as important. Do you need to work on your character and integrity today?

November 11, 2012

Encouraged to Encourage

A little courage can go a long way, especially if you don’t quit when you’re uncomfortable.

Having courage, to be en-courage, both are dealing with the heart. It takes heart, or a strong spirit to stand strong. When we say heart we are not talking about your blood pump. When referring to courage we are talking about your spirit. It takes a strong spirit to not quit when life gets tough. It’s when life gets tough, not if life gets tough. Life is going to get tough. Do you have the courage to stand during the tough times? When you have courage you find it not so uncomfortable when life gets uncomfortable. It takes someone who can be comfortable with being uncomfortable. When you reach this point then you are “required and expected” to encourage others coming behind you. The old mentality of ‘I had to go through hell and so do you,’ is so selfish. When we can encourage someone and help them through the uncomfortable times, then we should do so. I do believe we should all experience forms of positive failure. Failure that we learn from and not fold up and quit from. Be encouraged today to not give up or quit during your uncomfortable days. Then encourage others that are coming behind you. Walk with them through their uncomfortable days. Are you encouraged today?


November 7, 2012

Opportunity to Grow

The next time you are in a difficult time, you may not see it as a growth opportunity, but it is–you can bank on it.

It may seem like others around you have no problems. As you look at their lives, you may wonder why things are always so good for them. They seem to move from one great experience to the next, while you’re struggling to get by and keep your head above water.  From a distance you start thinking things like, It’s not fair. Why can’t I get a break? When is it going to be my turn? If you’ve ever had these thoughts, I want to let you in on a little secret. We all face challenges and problems! We all face obstacles that tempt us to be discouraged, to settle for less or to give up hope. But the important thing is what we do when those challenges come our way. With every problem, we have a choice: Will I still believe God is a good God and that He has great things in store for me, or will I settle for less than God’s best?  When you face challenges, especially really significant ones, it’s easy to slide into survival mode, but we’re not supposed to stay there! Even in your most difficult season, there is still opportunity. God has given you everything you need to succeed. He wants you to do more than survive; He wants you to grow. Don’t let your problems shape your expectations. You can live with confidence knowing that great things are coming your way. We believe that you can start new and fresh today. Remember, if you’ve slid into a survival mentality, don’t stay there. Go deeper and get planted. It all comes back to a simple choice: believe God is who He says He is. Are you in a difficult time right now? You ready to grow?

November 1, 2012

Adversity Attitude

Anyone can see the adversity in a difficult situation, but it takes a stronger person to see the opportunity.

There’s an old saying “attitude determines altitude.” In other words, a positive, faith-filled attitude will cause you to rise higher in life, but a negative, self-critical attitude will only drag you down. When we face adversity, our attitude affects the outcome. Are we going to treat people right even when we’re being mistreated? Are we going to stay full of joy even when the bottom falls out? So many people get all bent out of shape and start complaining when things don’t go their way, but that kind of attitude only closes the door to God’s miracle-working power. The Bible says that faith is what pleases God. Understand that He’s trying to work in your life. He’s trying to get you prepared for promotion, but you’ve got to stay on His side. You’ve got to stand strong and fight that good fight of faith! If you are going through a difficult time today, I encourage you to keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Start thanking God for bringing you through to the other side. As you stand strong, I believe you’ll rise higher. I believe you’ll come out stronger and wiser, and you will continue moving forward in the abundant life God has for you. Are you facing a situation today that is trying to steal your joy?

October 31, 2012

Your Calling in Life

No matter what you are going through today don’t lose hope.Don’t lose confidence. Stand strong and know everything is going to be alright.

There is no worse place than not knowing why you were born. There is nothing worse than carrying a load that you just can’t seem to get off your shoulders. You aren’t here to do either one of those. You are here to make a difference. It may not seem big to you but it will be for someone. Let go of all the self-doubt today. Reach out and take a hold your purpose, your destiny, your calling. Live your life with purpose. It makes all the difference in the world; literally. Take charge of your life. There is a refreshing that comes when you realize your purpose in life. Get the momentum going in your life toward your destiny. This is a hallmark moment in your life. There is nothing that can stop you from reaching your full destiny. Make the call today to be the greatest you that you can be. Are you living your life to the fullest? Are you energized each day? Are you living out your purpose and destiny?

October 29, 2012

Cornerstones to Success

There is no way I can express how vital love is to a team’s success. Without love there is no trust, without trust there is no team.

Ever seen a team, group, or even a family that didn’t have trust or love for each other? When there is no love or trust then there will never be any success. When you love that person next to you, you will be able to develop trust for them. Then you have the makings for having success. There is nothing that can take the place of loving one another and having trust for each other. If you are not seeing any success in your family or your team then take a good look at the love and trust levels. No matter how many or how few; this is a major indicator of how things will turn out. Things speed up when trust and love are present. You don’t stop to think if they are telling you truth. You don’t hesitate to wonder if they have your best in mind. Trust and love are the cornerstones to a healthy, strong, and success group. Do you have love in your family? Is there trust on your team?


October 28, 2012

Be a Comforter

Be somebody that makes the bad times better and bring comfort into someones life. Be great today everyone.

Everybody needs somebody sometime. It’s no shame in needing someone during your difficult times. However, the next step then is to be that someone for someone else during their bad time. It’s not just feeling sorry for them or telling them that everything is going to be okay. It’s being proactive, showing them how to make their life better. It’s helping them to see, because it’s all about perspective. When you have been in a tough situation, don’t let it cause you to become bitter. Bitterness will not enable you to be a comfort to someone. Bitterness will just make you agree with that life is unfair, no good, and lousy. Become better because of life, then help someone else become better too. Better is always better than bitter. Be a difference maker today in someone’s life. You can do it! Is there someone who needs your comfort and insight today?

October 27, 2012

Change Coming

Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.

God is always looking to take us to higher levels. He wants us to grow and increase in every area. Change is often a catalyst for growth in our lives, and it keeps up from getting stuck in a rut. To help keep us on our path toward our destiny, God will supernaturally open and close doors of opportunity. He will “stir us” out of comfortable situations and stretch us because He loves us too much to allow us to live in mediocrity. Do you know how an eaglet learns to fly? That mother eagle will take her eaglet to the very highest point—way out of its comfort zone—and then she just releases it. As the eaglet falls, the mother swoops down and picks it back up again. She does this over and over until the eaglet spreads its wings and soars through the air. That’s what God wants for you today. He wants you to soar in life! You might feel like that eaglet learning to fly, but know that God is right there with you! He is bringing you new times and seasons so that you will rise higher and embrace the very best He has in store for you. Are you ready for change and growth in your life? Ready for new levels of blessing that come with that?


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