Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 12, 2012

Heart Talk

That feeling when doing the right thing rips your heart out and hands it to you. Learning the truth behind treat others the way I want to be treated.

There will come a time in your life when you know you have to do what is right, but it hurts.  When you have to stop enabling someone that you love and they look at you with those questioning eyes. When you have to cut ties with someone that consistently hurt you time and time again.  We all have or will have to face those people in those situations during our life. Remember that you will receive what you give. When you show mercy and grace by doing what is right, the same will come to you when you most need it. Although your heart may be breaking you must do what is right. Emotions may tell you to do one thing, but go with what is right. You will never have to question your decision when you do what is right.


April 28, 2012

Take the Steps

I talk a lot about not giving up, being encouraged, that you have purpose and destiny.

It takes many attributes to be successful in life. To be successful is to significant. To be significant is to serve others. To serve others to have no agenda. To have no agenda is to be humble. To be humble is being a giver. To be a giver is to love others. To love others is to over look faults. To over look faults is to show mercy. To show mercy is to offer hope to others. To offer hope to others is give them a reason to keep trying. To give others a reason to keep trying our purpose. Our purpose is why we are here. We are here because God has a plan for us. God has a plan for us because He loves us. He loves us because He created us. Go out today and make a difference in someone’s life and see all these things take place.

April 27, 2012

Grace and Mercy

Showing grace and mercy through love and forgiveness will mess you up. You will never be the same. Its painful to the flesh but it is very refreshing.

It can be very difficult to give something to others, yet we desire it above all things. To forgive and love someone who has wronged us. We want to be forgiven and loved. We want to be shown mercy and grace, but at times we have trouble giving the same thing. Our flesh does not want to show mercy and grace. Our pride and ego will tell us not to forgive and love those that have wronged us. At the same time we want to be shown mercy, grace, forgiveness and love. The only way we will ever receive all this is to give them freely and completely. We don’t have the right to pick and choose who we forgive and love. We don’t have the option of loving and forgiving some but not others. Remember, the Bible says that we are to forgive others so that God can forgive us. Tall order but that also means that God gives us the grace and mercy to do so. Today, make it a point to forgive and love those that have hurt you. Show mercy and grace to everyone in your life without reservation.


April 16, 2012

Here Comes the Judge

Be very careful before you go to judge someone. You have no idea what they are dealing with or going through. You see their behavior but not their heart.

We are so quick to judge others by their behavior. We see what they are doing externally but we have no idea what is going on internally. I know you don’t like being judged; so give the same consideration to others. We all have areas that need working on. Notice that we don’t judge someone when they have the same thing we do. However, if they are dealing with something that we have overcome or never had to deal with; we are quick to pull the judgement trigger. Take the time to pray for that person, not about them, but for them. Quite possibly you can ever pray with them. Don’t be all high and mighty; religious acting, but show compassion and understanding.  The way you give away grace and mercy will be the way you get it. Let God do the judging, we should be doing some healing, loving, helping. Be careful next time when you want to judge someone. You will get what you give.

January 9, 2012

The Eyes Have It

This year and from now we need to see people through eyes of love, forgiveness, hope, understanding, patience, hope, encouragement. 

People are quick to pass judgement on others without taking the time to look at where they are in life.  If we took the time to see the situation from the other person’s point of view, we would not be so judgmental.  We have to realize that others are going through tough day too.  We judge ourselves by our intentions but judge others by their actions.  Give others the benefit of the doubt when they act out.  There is probably something going on in their world that is causing them to act that way.  When we start seeing people through eyes of love, forgiveness, hope, understanding, patience, hope and encouragement, we will make a difference in their life.  It goes back to treating others even better than we want to be treated.  Don’t be so quick to pass judgement on others, but rather take the time to be a positive force in their life today.

October 31, 2011


I have been accused in my writing/speaking that I offer to much hope, mercy, forgiveness, love, restoration and destiny. Awesome! I am guilty as charged.

I have noticed that over the past few years that “religious” people don’t care for my writing or what I speak about.  Understand that by “religious” I am not being critical of any person’s beliefs.  Religious to me is someone that has become mean because of their beliefs.  When we take what God has given us and inject what we want into it, then we have become religious. Anyways, enough of that. I haven’t always given hope, love, forgiveness or mercy to anyone; not even myself.  I realize how wrong I was all those years.  There is no greater gift we can give than hope, love, forgiveness, mercy and so on.  When we start giving peace of mind and not a piece of our mind; we force our flesh into being humble.  I love the changes that have taken place and know that there are still a lot of changes to come.  I have so many more “religious” people to offend yet. Know that God does love you no matter what.  Change your ways to meet His ways and you will see even more of this love coming your way. 

September 8, 2011

Game of Chance

You may feel like you’ve blown your chances, but God is full of mercy. He knew every mistake you would ever make. He loves us anyways.

Do you have times when you feel like you have no more changes left to make something of your life? Do you feel sometimes like you are washed up and done? Have you made so many mistakes that you don’t think you will ever get it right? If you have, then know today that God is the God of second, third and one million chances.  You are not finished yet. God’s love and mercy will see you through the most difficult situations and get you back on track to your destiny.  You were born with purpose and that has not changed no matter what has taken place in your life.  Don’t give up today! Your greatest days are just ahead!

May 22, 2011

A Living Demonstration

It is amazing how when some people go through something in their life; how they treat others that are going through the same or something similar.  It is amazing sometimes how little grace, mercy and love they show.

We check our grace, mercy, and love at the door too often.  Why is it some feel like they are better or superior to those that are right where they were in life? We all have issues and stuff that we have to deal with.  So rather than being critical of others; we got to love others.  It is in the little things that we can show love.  We can do so much more in the lives of those around us when we demonstrate love, mercy, and grace.  Remember when you were in the same situation; how awesome it was or would have been if someone had shown you the love of God.  Be a walking, living, breathing demonstration of mercy, grace and love to someone today.

March 11, 2011

Don't Give Up On Folk

Do you feel like giving up on other people? Especially those that are close to you? It’s easier to give up on someone not connected to you, but what about those close to you.  I know what it feels like to be given up on. It’s not a good feeling.

I admit there are folk that we may have to keep at arms length.  They have a tendency to damage and hurt us deeply.  Does this mean we give up on them? Does this mean they can’t change for the better?  Is there any worse feeling than knowing someone has lost confidence in you and given up on you.  That is an empty, lost and hopeless feeling.  I wouldn’t wish that on anybody.  I encourage you today to not give up on people.  You may be asking, “What if they are hurting me?”  Again you may have to keep them at arms length, but no we don’t give up on them.  We pray for them, encourage them to change; just like we would want people to do for us.  I know I have to make changes in my life and I work on them everyday. Some days I make progress and some days I go backwards. That being said, I know that I can’t give up on others, because I am asking the same from people.  When we start seeing others from their own perspective we will have more hope in them.  We judge others from their actions, but judge ourselves from our intentions. Give people the benefit of the doubt and give them hope.  Give them forgiveness.  Give them grace and mercy.  Just don’t give up on people.  

February 27, 2011

Do You Hear It

02 27 11 Sunday

Listen; do you hear that? Listen again, I know you can hear it.  It is the voice of folk crying out. There are people crying out for help, for understanding, for hope, for love, for someone to just listen to them.  Do you hear it now?

I often talk about folk hurting and that we should be there for others.  This has really been ringing in my ears for several days now.  I struggled for several days in a mental battle, that finally did break.  Then there was this; people calling out for help.  Not necessarily in an audible voice but from their heart; their spirit.  When we take time to really listen it can be over whelming.  We all know what it feels like to hurt. Some to the point that they feel like it is a way of life.  Some don’t think they will ever have a day when they aren’t hurting mentally, spiritually, and even physically.  The mental pain that we feel can be the worse.  There seems to be no relief in sight for some.  All their crying out does not seem to get them get them any better.  I don’t have any special words or power to make anyone feel better.  I know what is like to be the one crying out for help; I think we all do. There is hope for you.  Your crying out has been heard; you are not alone, not by yourself.  I have said before that I pray for my partners everyday. You are being prayed for, I stand with you. Get that hope alive and never give up.

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