Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 18, 2012


The most powerful encouragements are those that focus us on what we can do; our process. The best encouragement empowers from within.

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There is internal and external encouragement. The most effective is internal. You hear every word you say and also every thought you have each day. By encouraging yourself in areas that you control; your process, you will see greater results. Encourage yourself with your own thoughts and words each day. Stop telling yourself that you can’t do it, you can’t make it. Be positive or be quiet. There is nothing worse than talking negative, discouraging words to yourself. You have to be positive. No matter what the facts say, keep working your process. You aren’t junk, you are priceless. Start telling yourself today that you can make a difference. Stay focused on what you can do with your life. Talk good to yourself. Be positive with your words; your purpose and destiny are depending on it. Do you need to be more positive with your self-encouragement today?


December 5, 2012

Process Evaluation

A process is a concrete series of thoughts, words, images, prayer, you use to mentally and physically drive yourself back to your core, foundational picture.

Everyone has some form of a process operating in their life. The difference is the quality of the process, the foundational principles of their process and how well they work their process. If you have a negative, low self-esteem, self-degrading, failure based process then you will have a difficult time in your life. Nothing will ever seem to go right for you. You will always come out on the bad end of relationships, business deals, and life in general. However, if you have a positive, God-centered, faith based, hope filled, and unconditional love based process; then nothing nor no one will be able to stop you from reaching your destiny. Also, while you are reaching your destiny, you will be making a positive difference in the lives of others. Before 2013 arrives, do a process quality check. Are you where you had hoped you would be in your life at this point? If not, then your process may need tweaking. Make sure you are speaking truth filled words, your prayers are sound and your mental images of yourself are positive. Then work your process, it won’t do it by itself. Get ready for the greatest year of your life. Is your process what it should be?


November 30, 2012

Nothing Impossible

You are designed so that when something fires your soul, there is nothing impossible.

You have probably heard; when you set your mind to something; there is nothing you can’t accomplish. I do believe that in part. God has designed you in such a way; that when He puts an idea in your mind, which is part of your soul, then nothing can stop you from accomplishing it. Too often, we stop ourselves though. We are fearful that we can’t do it. Fear will interfere with faith every time. Get the fear out of your mind today. Believe in the plan that God has orchestrated for you. He designed you just the way He wants you. Never doubt in yourself again. Check your fear at the door and never pick it back up again. You may be saying; “Scott, I have failed so many times, you just don’t know.” Yeah, I have failed too, but that doesn’t mean you are a failure or that you can’t do it. All you have done is figured out how not to do it. Get back up and don’t give up. I believe in you and the gift inside of you. You are awesome, wonderful and ready to go. Start today! Is there something firing inside of you today that you need to accomplish?

November 26, 2012

Insecurity Thoughts

Insecurity is an ugly thing, it makes people hate other people they don’t even know.

When you have unresolved insecurity in your life, you will dislike others that are secure. Insecurity will make you jealous of others. If this wasn’t bad enough, this is even in regards to people you don’t even know. Insecurity will rob you of relationships and potential friendships. You can’t be friends with people when insecurity is controlling your life. Insecurity will make you look at others will a negative perspective. You will always think the worst of others when you have insecurity. You will not be able to look at others for what they really are, for what they offer. Insecurity will cloud your thinking. This is just one of the reasons that insecurity is so terrible. There is no joy, peace, or rest in someone that has insecurity ruling their life.  All the more reason to get insecurity out of your life today. Look at how you think about others, even those you don’t know. Are your decisions being determined by the insecurities in your life? Then make today the last day they control you.  Have you thought negative about someone because of insecurity?


November 22, 2012

See Yourself

What you consistently see in your mind you will consistently find.

If you always see yourself as a goofball, a failure, a nothing; then despite all the awesome gifts you have, you will end up just like you see yourself. If you see yourself as a success, a difference maker, a champion, then no matter what obstacles you face, you will end up the way you see yourself. The way you see yourself on a consistent basis is what you will be. Even when you’re not a failure, you will find ways to fail. When you see yourself as not loved, no matter how much people love you; you will find a way to turn away their love. I have found in my own life at times that I would sabotage relationships. I didn’t think I deserved to be loved or cared about, so I would find a way to sabotage what was there. It took changing how I saw myself in my mind to change that. Now I am able to have a wonderful marriage and other friends, because I see myself as a great husband, wonderful father, and good friend. I am always working on being better at each. It all goes back to how I see myself though.  How do you see yourself on a consistent basis?

November 13, 2012

Wounded and Hurt

Your wounds have to become scars if you are going to forget the past and focus on the now, on your purpose and destiny.

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If you stay in the past, you will never reach your destiny. So many people today are trapped in the dungeon of their past. They have been wounded and yet never allowed the wound to heal. Every time you talk to them, they will eventually bring up all their past wounds and hurts. There comes a time when you have to allow wounds to heal, to scar over and them forget about them. The scars can be reminders of our past, but only allow them to be if they are healthy reminders. If you can talk about your past, show your scars in order to help someone heal; then do so. If you don’t get past the past you will stay in the past. Break free today of the past wounds and hurts. Don’t stay in the dungeon any longer. You have the key to the lock, if there is a lock, if there is even a door. You have been there so long, you didn’t realize the lock and door aren’t even there any longer. They only exist in your mind. Get free from that today. Don’t let it hold you back anymore. You are ready to be healed of that wound. You are ready to step into your destiny. Then do it today, do it now! Are you still wounded today?

November 2, 2012

See Your Vision

There’s a big difference between sight and vision. Your sight can feed your vision but only if you are able to see with your vision.

If you watch television for any length of time, it won’t be long before you see products and pills advertised to make you thinner, smarter, younger looking, more successful and ultimately claim to change your life. The truth is all you need in order to change your life is already inside you. God has given you the ability and the power to be transformed into the person He created you to be. I heard somebody said, “Sight has to do with what we can see, but vision has to do with what we can be.” The reason some people are stuck at the same level is because their vision is limited. They don’t see themselves growing, increasing, being promoted or getting healthier. All they see is more of the same. More disappointment. More struggle. More defeat. They’re producing what they’re seeing. Don’t let that be you! Instead, let the truth renew your thinking. See yourself the way God sees you. See yourself rising higher. See yourself becoming stronger, healthier and wiser. Change the picture you have of your life, and you will change your life. See yourself the way God sees you and receive the wonderful blessings He has in store for your future. Are you ready to change your vision about yourself?


October 30, 2012

Your Masterpiece

You have a masterpiece inside you. One unlike any that has ever been created. If you go to your grave without painting your masterpiece will never get painted.

You were created for a specific purpose and reason. There is someone that is needing you to live your destiny because it will directly affect their life today. No one else can do what you were destined to do as good as you. If you feel like your life has no meaning, then today that can change. You have a purpose that is bigger than yourself. You have a role to play and a difference to make. No one was born that does not have a reason. Even if you were considered to be a mistake, make no mistake, God had you in mind before you were born. There are no mistakes in God’s eyes. He has a plan for you like none other. Don’t let anyone talk you into believing you are not valuable. Don’t believe the lies that you have been told about being no good. You are priceless. You have greatness inside of you. There is no better day than today to start painting your masterpiece. Get started in your purpose now. This is the greatest day for you ever! Are you ready to get started today?

October 14, 2012

Self Image

No one can outperform their self image. People of excellence believe in themselves and their God-given talent.

God chose you before the foundations of the earth. Before the worlds were ever formed, He knew you. And, He didn’t create you to be average. He didn’t create you to barely get by. No, He created you to excel! Not only has He chosen you, but He has equipped you with everything you need to live His abundant life. He has deposited seeds of greatness inside every person. But in order to tap into those seeds of greatness, you have to believe this and act on it. Too many people today are going around with low self-esteem, feeling inferior like they don’t have what it takes. They are living a lie. And as long as we have a poor self-image, we’re not going to experience God’s best. In order to be all that God has called us to be, we have to see ourselves as chosen, valuable and victorious. Today, meditate on this truth. Let it sink down deep into your heart. Let it build confidence and security in you. As you understand your value, you’ll rise up higher and higher into the life of victory He has prepared for you!


September 15, 2012

Confidence Man

Confidence is a major key in your success. You got to believe in your God-given gift and that you can accomplish your task.

Do you lack confidence in yourself? Do you doubt that you have the goods? Your level of confidence will have a lot to do with your level of success. Make sure that you have a good, healthy definition of success. Success is not all about bright lights and glamour. Success can mean that you accomplish your destiny, even though no one ever really noticed. It doesn’t mean your arrogant or cocky because you have confidence in your God-given gift. When you have confidence and humility there is nothing or no one that can stop you. Start today developing your confidence in your gift. Don’t let fear or doubt get in your way. You have what it takes right now inside you to reach your destiny. Be a great example for others to follow. Are you having trouble with confidence in yourself?


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