Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 25, 2011

Confidence In You

Do you recognize the gifting that is in your life?  Many people life their life admiring others and never give their own gift and talent a second thought. 

There is a greatness inside of you.  It’s easy to believe in the gifting in others. They will say, he is so talented. She is so beautiful. He is so successful. It’s okay to acknowledge the gift in others, it’s time to recognize the gift that is inside of you.  There are seeds of greatness and gifting inside of you.  You have a specific purpose and destiny.  However, until you recognize and bring those seeds of greatness and destiny to life; they will lie dormant.  You have to activate the gift inside of you.  Your destiny will take to places you never dreamed possible.  Today is the day to start developing confidence in gift inside of you.  There is incredible potential residing inside you today.  Believe in yourself and your gift.

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