Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 28, 2010

Finishing What We Start

11 28 10 Sunday

After the Auburn-Alabama game Friday I heard one common thread in both teams post game comments.  That thread was that good teams know how to finish.  That is true in our lives too; we have to know how to finish.

It’s easy to start something, but how many things have we started but never finished?  I see folk start all sorts of programs but never see the completion of the program.  Our destiny is something that we have to finish.  Don’t start walking out your destiny, but due to something going wrong stop.  Don’t let tough times stop you from finishing.  Don’t let disappointment stop you.  Folk are not always going to be supportive, helpful or understanding.  However, we can’t let this stop us from living and finishing our destiny.  I believe in you and your awesome purpose and destiny.  I know that you have a reason for being here.  You are so valuable and precious.  There is no other person just like you.  We all need you and we all need each other.  Finish the race.  Finish the course.  Don’t let those unwilling to walk it out stop you.  You can do it! I know you can!


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