Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 4, 2010

Fit Together

11 04 10 Thursday

When we begin to use the gift that God has planted inside us we will fit together like a puzzle.  Right now it’s hard to see what the puzzle will be, because we are not interlocked together just yet.

It is impossible to fit together if we don’t have relationship with one another.  We all have been hurt by someone and have those walls of protection against being hurt again.  However, those same walls can prevent us from establishing some of the most awesome relationships we will ever have.  I am not naive enough to think that everyone will get along with everyone else, but I do know we can do better than we are currently doing in this area.  I know I have to work on my relationship skills.  In order to use the gift that God has planted inside of me; I have to tear down some more walls and establish some healthy boundaries.  When we humble ourselves and realize that the world isn’t all about us, but about each other, then we can fit together.  When reconciliation and restoration takes place in our lives; then we can fit together.  When relationships become first in our lives; then we can fit together.  Don’t lose hope in those around you or in yourself.  We will come together and fulfill our destiny.


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