Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 8, 2013

Helping or Hurting Blog/Podcast

One of our main purposes in life is to help others, if you can’t do that then don’t hurt them.

Click to listen to Podcast

It does seem like some people believe their purpose in life is to hurt others. This is not true, but it feels like it at times. One of, if not our major purpose, in life to help others. You are to serve others in your purpose, with your gift. Many people start out with this intention and do help others by serving them. However, something happens; life happens, and they change. When you get hurt by others, especially when you are trying to help, it has a tendency to make you angry, resentful, and bitter. You have been around these people, you know what I am talking about. I am asking you to make sure you aren’t this person. Take a good look at your live and make sure you have not stopped helping others and started hurting others. I had to do this in my own life, because I had started moving to the dark side. Do an inventory today, check your purpose and the results you are getting. Are you helping or hurting others today?


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