Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 13, 2011

Helping Out

Let’s stop judging, criticizing, and hurting others. It’s time to love, encourage, and lift up others. We have to see each other through eyes of love if we are ever going to stop damaging other people.

We are so quick to judge others without knowing their story–the struggles they have been through, how they they were raised and the current challenges they may have faced today.  We are so quick to say, “He is so unfriendly. She shouldn’t wear that. I don’t know why they act that way.”  There is a reason why people are the way they are.  That’s why it’s important to take the time to get to know them rather then judge them.  Instead of judging others, our attitude should be, “How can I help this person come up higher? How can I make them feel more loved, accepted, and secure?”  The world is full of people that need someone that understands  Can you be that someone today? Can you make the choice to love others back to wholeness?  The closest thing to the heart of God is helping hurting people.  As you walk in God’s love and mercy, instead of judgement and condemnation, you can be the catalyst for change in the live around you. And when you extend mercy and understanding to others, God will make sure there is mercy and love extended to your life.

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