Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 27, 2011

Shut the Front Door

Sometimes God closes a door even when we’re walking in obedience, but it’s only because He has something better in store. Don’t become bitter and negative – trust Him to bring the right blessings.

God wants to bless you.  I often hear that God wants you broke, busted, sick, and confused; in order to teach us stuff.  I don’t go for that line of thinking.  I believe that He is orchestrating a plan for your life.  He has a plan to bless you and prosper you as the Bible says over and over again.  In His plan there will be times when an open door will close; even though you haven’t done anything wrong.  The reason for one door to close is so that another door can open.  God will take you from one level to another in your life.  Don’t get discouraged when a season ends in your life, but know that growth is coming.  With growth comes blessing.  God will never just walk off and leave you.  He will be with you ever step of the way!

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