Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 30, 2011

Sticks and Stones

Pick your battles carefully.  There are some things that you don’t need to concern yourself with; they are stealing and robbing you of energy and time that should be spent on other people and things. 

There will always be someone that tries to talk you out of your dream, your destiny, and your purpose.  There will always be folk that just don’t like you and will let you know it.  There will always be those that will those are against you.  Hey, there were those against Jesus! All through the Bible we have great examples of this.  Nehemiah is a great one.  He was rebuilding a wall and there were two guys that just gave him down the road about it.  They talked against him and his destiny, however, Nehemiah knew how to handle them.  He didn’t talk bad about them or try to get even.  He ignored them and went forward in his destiny, purpose, and dream. That is what we should do too.  Don’t let those folk get to you.  You are saying, “Scott, that’s easier said than done.” The old saying, ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,’ comes to mind. When we are secure in who we are and our purpose, destiny and dream then that saying is true.  Yes, I know words can hurt, but they won’t scar you, damage you or stop you from living the life you were created to live.  Learn to ignore the words that are spoken to hurt you, whether they were meant to or not.  Keep building your dream like Nehemiah

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