Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 21, 2014

Survival Mode

So many people today are living in “survival” mode.

They have a mentality that says, “If I can just make it through…” or “If I can just get by…” Of course, there are some seasons that are more difficult than others. Sometimes it’s challenging to get a vision for the future. But if you are constantly living with a survival mentality, you are missing out on your purpose in life. If you are living in survival mode right now, I believe that today can be your turning point. If you’ll take that step and begin to say, “My days of survival are over; my days of winning have begun,” then I believe you will see a turn around in your life. Even if you’re in a tough time right now, remember tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Get out of survival mode and get into success mode today. You were created to much more than just get by. Today is the day you begin to make a difference. Your purpose is too big to set on the sidelines another day. Are you ready to move into success mode today?


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