Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 24, 2012

The Baggage of Lies

The baggage we carry that builds strongholds in our life is based on lies. When we believe the truth; the strongholds are exposed.

There are so many people believing the lies of the enemy. When you believe the lies  for so long; you will build strongholds in your life. These strongholds are not healthy and will destroy your life. Anytime you establish your foundation on lies you have been told and led to believe; there will be no peace, joy, hope or love in your life. You will struggle in all of your relationships, because you don’t have the truth. However, there is good news! If this is you, you don’t have to stay this way any longer. When you recognize that you have strongholds built on lies then you can begin to tear them down. Establish your foundation on the truth, not facts, not lies. Not all facts are lies, but all lies are facts. The truth will be the truth no matter the situation you are facing. Build your life on and in the truth about you. There is no room for the lies of the enemy in your life any longer. Today, not tomorrow, but today is the day to lay hold of the truth. Learn the truth about your life. What does God say about you; not what the world says about you. No more feeling sorry for yourself, no more insecurity about yourself. What is the truth about you? What has God said about you?

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