Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 21, 2011

What Are You Full Of

To have love in our life; we have to get the unforgiveness out of our life.  To get out of debt we have to get the debt out of us.  To have a blessed life; we have to get the fear out of our life.

I think I am right when I say; we all want to have a great, wonderful life.  To live that life we have to get the stuff out of us that is preventing us from the good life.  Unforgiveness and love can’t live in the same person.  We can’t be selective of who we love and forgive.  We are to love and forgive everyone.  We can’t hold a grudge against someone, talk bad about them and think bad about them; yet expect to walk in love.  We have to be clean of all hard feelings towards others.  The same goes for debt.  We have to get the debt mindset out of us before we can walk debt free.  We will never be consistently blessed if we are walking and talking fear.  I couldn’t figure out where I was missing it in my life; now I see it.  I was trying to live in love and unforgiveness, blessing and fear, and so on.  We can’t be double minded and expect to have peace in our life.  Choose today what you want to be full of; choose love, peace, forgiveness, hope, grace and mercy.  The life we live is totally up to us.  

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