Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 27, 2012

You Got the Goods

You are so blessed! You are awesome! You are wonderful, more than able, you are a person of destiny.

You were born with a purpose for your life. You were created full of destiny. You have a specific gift and talent. There is something that you do that no one else in the world can do just like you do.  You were born at a destined time and place to fulfill your destiny.  You have all you will ever need inside of you to finish your purpose. There is no one that is not good enough to have a purpose. You are smart, capable, and just the right person to get it done.  Never let anyone talk you out of your destiny.  Don’t stop learning, growing, stretching out of your comfort zone. When we step out into our purpose, our destiny it can be scary, but that’s also the fun part.  It is an adventure, it’s exciting, it’s like nothing else you have ever experienced.  Don’t sell yourself short, don’t doubt in who you are and what God has placed in you. God will make a way where you don’t think you make it. God will open doors you never saw before.  Take the first step toward your destiny and get ready for the adventure of your life.

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