Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: November 2010

November 20, 2010

Get Ready

11 20 10 Saturday

Have you ever seen one of those optical illusion things where the object looks far away but in reality it is really close? That is the way a lot of us look at life.  We think our breakthrough, our destiny, our coming out is so far away, but really it’s within your reach.

Your destiny, your dream is right there just waiting for you to reach out and accept it.  We sometimes think that our time is never going to come.  I am telling you; “It is right now.” Don’t wait another minute.  Get up, get ready, and get it! Everything you need is already inside of you. Now is the time to put it into practice.  Start sharpening your gift and talent.  Get yourself ready for what is coming.  No more sitting back and waiting.  Today is your day! Just do something to get started; something you have been waiting to do.  Apply to that college, take that class, start writing that book; do something today.  Your dreams are alive and well.

November 19, 2010

Let Go and Move On

11 19 10 Friday

We are nearing the end of 2010.  It is time we let go of some stuff we brought into the year.  Let’s not take any mess into 2011.  Let go of the stuff in your life that is holding you down.

That memory that has been haunting you and keeping you down for so long; its got to go.  That person that hurt you; forgive them and let it go.  That place in your mind that has been keeping you from living your destiny; time to get rid of it.  Rather than dwelling and living in the negative, hurtful and harmful; it is time for restoration, forgiveness, reconciliation and hope for 2011.  Start letting go of the stuff that is hurting you.  It is time to let go and start living our destiny.  Love and forgive everyone in your life.  Live your destiny today; don’t wait.

November 18, 2010

Turn Your Life Around

11 18 10 Thursday

You have probably been told that you are special, you are unique, you are awesome.  Whether or not you believe that does not make it true or not true.  The fact that you are alive on this planet makes it so.  God don’t create junk.

Just because that person walked out on you or someone told you that you are worthless does not make you a useless person.  You do have value and worth.  You have a place, a purpose, a destiny, a reason for being here.  I dare say that your mission in life is much larger than you even think or believe.  Our mistakes and mess ups don’t take away from what we were put here to do.  Today is the day to start turning things around in our lives.  Make things right with those in our family, at work, at school, at home.  Do your part and God will certainly do His part.  Life does not have to be boring, mundane or so stressful that you can’t sleep.  Start living your destiny today.  See relationships reconciled and restored.  See your life the way God sees it; full of hope, full of love, full of purpose.  Let humility be your guide and love your translator as you go through life.  These two will not fail you.  You are special, unique, and awesome!

November 17, 2010

Walking It Out

11 17 10 Wednesday

You may be hurting today; emotionally, mentally, physically or even spiritually.  Someone or some group may have hurt you deeply.  They may have taken from you, lied to you, manipulated you, controlled you or betrayed you.  I see hurting folk all round; you could be one of them.

I don’t pretend to know or to understand what you have been through or may be going through right this minute.  I do know though that you can make it through this and be stronger because you made it through.  Don’t stop getting back up, don’t quit today.  When it seems like you don’t have the strength enough to go another round; think about those that have gone before you.  You can make it.  You are not alone in your struggle.  Just be reading this you are with many others today.  We may not know what each other is facing, but we know we are facing it together.  There is safety and strength in knowing we are not alone.  You are a champion and champions win, they don’t give up.  There is healing available for you. There is reconciliation and restoration of relationships waiting for you.  Your best days are yet to come.  Don’t lose hope this close to your breakthrough day.

November 16, 2010

Heart of a Champion

11 16 10 Tuesday

Everyone loves a winner, a champion, an overcomer.  If that is true then everyone should be loving you, because you are a winner, a champion, an overcomer.  You have greatness inside of you right now.

I know some of you may think I am crazy for thinking that you are a winner, champion, an overcomer, but I still do.  You may be being attacked on all sides, by all sorts of folk, but you are a winner. You may have lost everything, but you are still a champion.  That one person may have walked out on you, but you are an overcomer.  The odds may seem like they are all against you, but you still have greatness inside of you.  Each time you get back up after something negative happens you are proving my point.  Even when the breaks go against you; you still keep on getting back up.  By never giving up you are a winner, champion, an overcomer.  You are not alone in your struggles; even when there seems to be no one there.  Just reading this blog puts in in with over 300 others.  We are all in this together.  Today is going to be a great day for you and tomorrow looks even better! You are loved and appreciated.  You are a champion!


November 15, 2010

Overcoming Disappointments

11 15 10 Monday

There are going to be disappointments in life.  We are going to have times when folk let us down and times we even disappoint ourselves.  The thing is; don’t let these times determine your quality of life.

There is something to be said about just rolling with the flow.  In that; we do have to be able to absorb the disappointing times of life and go on ahead anyways.  When we have these times of let down; don’t let it steal your joy.  Keep a good attitude during the disappointing times. Know that these times in life will come, but they will go too.  Only when we stay in an attitude of disappointment will we not recover.  Stay upbeat, head up, and an attitude to match.  Surround yourself with folk that have joy in their life no matter what is going on.  Joy and peace are great indicators of the folk we need to be around.  When we have joy and peace in our day to day life; then disappointments won’t hurt as much as they once did.

November 14, 2010

Wildest Dreams

11 14 10 Sunday

I would like to speak positive words into your life today. Hope you allow them to take root in your spirit, soul, and body.

I speak life to your God generated dreams.  I know that you have a destiny that has been created just for you by God Himself. I speak life to that dream that God put in you.  It’s time to remove any hinderances from that dream.  Move past the thing that has kept you from living the dream.  Speak to the fear that is stopping you.  Today is the day to move into your destiny.  Make things right in your life and with those around you.  Restoration, reconciliation and relationships will begin to take shape in your life.  The things you thought would never happen are going to begin to happen. God is working on your behalf today.  He is for you not against you.    Take the limits off your future and your destiny.  Dream big today!

November 13, 2010

Death Clothes

11 13 10 Saturday

There is a Bible story about a man that was dead for four days; then Jesus called him out of the tomb.  He was alive but he was still in what they called ‘death clothes.”  A lot of us are that way today. We are alive but wrapped up in our death clothes.

Your destiny is alive, your gift is alive, your purpose is alive but it’s still wrapped up in death clothes.  You are alive and doing okay, but you are not alive in your gift, in your destiny or in your purpose.  Take the death clothes off of your gift, destiny, and purpose today.  Begin to live your live to the greatest today.  You will never experience your life the way you were intended to until you take the death clothes off.  You do have a reason for being here; or God would not have created you.  Speak life to your dreams, your passion, your love.  Take the death clothes off today and experience life!

November 12, 2010

Yet Holding On

11 12 10 Friday

The quote by Winston Churchill; “Don’t give up, never, never, never give up,” has been going through my mind all day.  I try to live by that and I hope that you do as well.

There have been times when the report was bad, very bad.  There was a time when no one believed in me.  There was a time when everyone said just hang it up.  There was a time when nothing was going the way I thought it should.  There was a time when if it could go wrong it did.  There will always be those times in our lives.  The answer is the same to all situations; never give up.  When we lose hope we will not make it.  I see folk too often, that have almost made it, but then give up and lose hope right at the very end, just before their breakthrough, their victory.  So today if things look really bad, know you are not alone, and most of all don’t lose hope and give up.  Your best days are right around the corner.  This will not end in your defeat if you will hold to what is right and just.  Believe in the hope that is alive in you.  God is still in control!


November 11, 2010


11 11 10 Thursday

You have limitless possibilities.  For most of us we have not even started our destiny.  There is so much for us to accomplish.  Wonder why we haven’t gotten started yet?

Many of us have roadblocks that are stopping us from reaching our destiny.  The roadblocks can be different from person to person.  However, I think they all boil down to a few specific issues.  We have talked quite a bit about forgiveness lately; which we know is one major roadblock.  As long as there is unforgiveness inside us; we will never live out our destiny.  Unforgiveness will lead us toward hate, anger, bitterness, and even rage.  None of these are destiny minded characteristics.  As long as there are any of these issues still inside our heart and mind then our destiny is out of the question.  The good news is; we can get rid of them if we choose to do so.  Begin today to forgive those that have wronged you; doesn’t matter if they are available for you to talk to or not.  They don’t have to be alive for that matter.  They don’t have to ask you to forgive them.  It is not about them, but all about you.  Forgive today and see your spirit, soul, and body begin to change.  You will surprised at how much better you feel in all areas of your life.


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