Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: May 2011

May 21, 2011

Dreams and Destiny

A dream without hope, faith, commitment & love is no more than just a fantasy.  So much of our dreams and destiny is in our heart. A heart that does not have compassion for others will never reach it’s destiny.

Our dreams will be determined by how we act when no one else is around.  Our destiny will be decided by how we treat folk that can’t help us or do anything for us.  Our life’s dreams are fulfilled when we put aside our agenda and take up the plan that God has for us.  I hear so many folk praying for God to be a part of what they are doing.  I am now saying, God let me in on what you are doing.  So my dreams are God birthed dreams.  My destiny is the destiny He has planned for me.  God is all about hope, faith, commitment and love.  It takes all of this for our dreams and destiny to come to life.  Live your destiny today!

May 20, 2011

The Interpretation

Destiny is the interpreter & translator for the decisions & choices we make. Don’t wake up one day & wonder “what if I had only.” God has a plan for our life, but we have to make the choice to follow it and then; follow it.

Don’t make the mistake of just thinking your destiny is going to take care of itself.  We have to do our part.  Are you making conscious decisions to live your destiny today? There is a plan for our life, but we have to walk out the plan.  By our decisions and choices we determine our destiny.  We can’t complain about the way life has and is treating us if we plan on having an awesome destiny.  If your destiny could talk to you today; what would it say?  It’s not too late to make the changes in your life to have that awesome destiny.  No matter what your past may say to you, your destiny can say great things.  

May 19, 2011

Fruit Inspection

My grandmother used to have a fruit bowl on her kitchen table.  It looked good year round, never turning brown or getting mushy.  It looked good, ripe, and tasty all the time.

There was only one problem, it was fake fruit.  There was no health value to it.  Matter a fact, if you were to eat it, it would have hurt you.  So this is to say, what kind of fruit are we producing? Is the fruit you’re producing healthy or harmful to you and others?  Do you look good but in reality the looks are fake.  Is there any value and substance to you on the inside? I have been asking these questions to about my own fruit.  I know there was a time when my fruit was fake and harmful.  Nothing like having fruit inspection in your life though.  Inspect your fruit today; are you real or fake.  In my case, I think most folk knew I was fake.  I just hope now that folk know I am real.  I also hope that you are real as well.

May 18, 2011

Hopes Up

“Don’t get your hopes up,” has robbed us from reaching our destiny for too long.  That dog just won’t hunt any longer.  I am here to get you to get your hopes up and match it with your faith.

We talk about hope a lot here, but with all that is going on we need to keep on talking about it.  I don’t just mean the tornado here in Tuscaloosa and other areas in the state, but the whole world situations for that matter.  There is so much going on in your life right now that you have to have hope and faith if you are going to have freedom and victory.  Don’t let the world steal your hope.  Don’t let your past or your neighbor talk you out of getting your hopes up.  Build your hope on the Word and get your faith mixed in with it and see the changes that will take place.  Our plan has to be God’s plan for our life.  That is where the hope and faith come into play.  Get your hopes built up today on the foundation of faith. 

May 17, 2011


There are many things that we need right now, but wisdom is one of the key things. We must have wisdom to get through what we facing in life right now.  There is nothing that can replace Godly wisdom in your life.

The situations and circumstances that we are all facing in life today require that use wisdom.  We can’t make the right decisions if we aren’t using Godly wisdom.  Here in Tuscaloosa with all that has happened, to your life with stuff that has happened that no one else knows about; I pray that you have Godly wisdom and that you use it in making the decisions that you making right now.  Stuff that may seem trivial to someone else but is critical to you; use Godly wisdom.  Don’t try to make the right choices on your own.  During this time let’s use the wisdom that comes only from God.  I pray for each of you each day and today my prayer is for wisdom to make the best decision in your life.  

May 16, 2011

Crossing Over

We talk a lot about not giving up and not quitting.  That is so important, especially now in the area that I live in;Tuscaloosa.  We are several weeks into the recovery process from the tornado that hit here.

I look at it like this in some ways; the recovery effort is like setting out in a boat crossing a huge river.  You start out making great progress, seeing immediate results from what you are doing.  Then when you get a ways into the trip, the process, you look back and the side you left doesn’t look any smaller, like you haven’t made much progress.  You look at the other side and it doesn’t look any larger; like you haven’t gotten any closer.  This is the time that some folk give up.  They can’t see they have made much progress and they don’t seem any closer to the other side.  It is up to us to encourage those that have reached this point in life.  If you are one of those in the boat and feel like you are going nowhere; then be encouraged today.  You will get to the other side quicker than you think.  True; it is a journey; a process, but you will get there.  I believe in suddenly’s. You are going to discover that you have gone farther than you thought and you are much closer than you thought.  The other side is going to get bigger, clearer, and closer quicker than you expected.  So don’t give up today! Keep on moving forward. Be encouraged.  There are folk with you, walking with you, encouraging you right now.

May 15, 2011

Loving Life

Are you happy with your life? Can you honestly say, “I love my life.”  If so you are in a small group of people.  If you can’t then why not make today the day you start turning things around. 

There are people that absolutely hate their life.  That is a sad but true fact.  I listen to people talk about how they are so disappointed in where they are in their life. One thing holds true, wherever you are, that’s where you are.  If you are not happy in your life, then make today a day of change.  Take the time to find the root of the discontentment in yourself.  Don’t blame others or expect others to make your life better.  There has never been a person assigned to you to make you happy.  That responsibility is left up to you.  You have to look within yourself to find the areas that need changing.  It may be a change of perspective is all that is needed.  For the most part I believe it will be small changes. It may take a while, but if you never start, you will never get there.  Today can be landmark day in your life; the decision is yours.  

May 14, 2011

Team Destiny

Hey, I wanted to just say to all the partners of Living Your Destiny; I appreciate you.  You are so awesome! I want you to know that everything that I am doing is for you.  Your destiny is my priority.

Sometimes I just want to remind you of how powerful you are, how wonderful you are and how awesome you are.  From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life.  We make up the greatest team ever, Team Destiny.  You are a part of something great and it is because of you that it is great.  I know you, just like me, have days of discouragement and doubt, but don’t let that stay on you.  Shake it off and keep on getting up.  We are in this together and will not let one another down.  We will walk together, cry together, celebrate together, and live our destiny together.  Again, I am so proud of you, thankful for you and humbled to be a part of your life.  

May 13, 2011

Do Something

We will face days when we just don’t know what to do.  We sometimes don’t know what direction to go.  There are days when nothing seems to make sense in our life. We all face those situations.

When you don’t know what to do, just do something.  Get in motion and if you are going the wrong way you will soon find out and make the adjustments.  We have to get moving though if we are ever going to get to our destination.  Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from ever making a move in your life.  Some folk never do anything with there life because of fear of the unknown, been told they are good enough, been hurt by others, or just don’t know what to do.  Today is the day to make that decision and then do it.  Do something. Don’t let another day pass without pushing past your past and anything else that is stopping you.  Be assured we will make mistakes but we have to do something. Today is the day for action!

May 12, 2011

Blindside Hits

There are times in our lives when we are blindsided by stuff.  How we respond to that hit will determine the quality of our life.  Be sure you are prepared for those blindside hits.

There are some that give up and quit when the blindside hit comes.  There are some that complain and make excuses about why they couldn’t, wouldn’t, and can’t continue.  People sometimes are quick to admit defeat because of the hits.  However, that is not you or me, we are the type of person that pushes on and through.  We are quick to recover from the blindside hits, because we are prepared for them mentally, physically, and spiritually.  This enables us to not only, recover from our hits, but to help others recover from their hits too.  Press on in life and help others along the way.  Life comes at us hard, that is without question. We won’t be defeated, we won’t quit, we won’t give up, we won’t make excuses, and we won’t complain.  We will win, we will push on, we will keep on growing, we will continue to help others.  We are people of destiny.

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