Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: December 2012

December 21, 2012

Change Embracer

When you live the change you want to see and don’t grow tired from it, then follow through. Then inspiration will manifest itself.

Rather than waiting for and trying to make others change; be the change you want to see. The one thing that remains constant in the world is change. I don’t know anyone who really likes change, but when you live a lifestyle of change then it does become much easier. Not easy but definitely easier. Learn to embrace change and not dread it. Be the change you want to see. Once you become accustomed to change and being the change then you will get the inspiration you need to continue. Its not as difficult as it sounds. Living a change type of lifestyle is exciting. Just know that change is going to happen whether you like it or not, but it’s much better if you like it. Be a change embracer and see your life change for the better. Are you seeing some changes coming you need to embrace?


December 20, 2012

Storms Coming

Everyone faces the storms of life. Sometimes we have the faith to be delivered from the storms instantly; sometimes we have the faith to walk through the storms.

Either way though, you can be sure that God is right there with you. He will equip you and sustain you. He will give you the grace, the supernatural empowerment, to make it through. Today, maybe you are facing a storm and can’t quite see a way out. Maybe you’re not sure what the answer is. All you have to do is take it one step at a time by saying, “God, I know You have a good plan for my future.” “God, I am doing better today than I was yesterday.” “God, I know You are leading and guiding me.” With every step you take, know that God is doing a work in your life. Know that He is with you, and He will comfort you. Keep moving forward. Keep taking those steps of faith and keep walking through the storm into the place of victory He has prepared for you.

December 19, 2012

Get Moving

Process encouragement is a major leap forward on the road to greatness. It forms you into a person with deep potential for greatness.
When you are encouraged by your process and you are encouraging your process; then greatness is heading your way. Greatness can come in many forms. It isn’t the same for everyone. I urge you to continue to work your process no matter what come your way. Be encouraged by knowing that your process is moving you toward your destiny by building your purpose. You were not created to just exist. Your purpose in life is not to be a failure. Your destiny isn’t to sit on the couch drinking beer, eating doughnuts and watching TV.You were created for greatness in some form. You are gifted and talented. Find your niche, develop your process and get going today. Are you ready to get moving in your process?

December 18, 2012


The most powerful encouragements are those that focus us on what we can do; our process. The best encouragement empowers from within.

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There is internal and external encouragement. The most effective is internal. You hear every word you say and also every thought you have each day. By encouraging yourself in areas that you control; your process, you will see greater results. Encourage yourself with your own thoughts and words each day. Stop telling yourself that you can’t do it, you can’t make it. Be positive or be quiet. There is nothing worse than talking negative, discouraging words to yourself. You have to be positive. No matter what the facts say, keep working your process. You aren’t junk, you are priceless. Start telling yourself today that you can make a difference. Stay focused on what you can do with your life. Talk good to yourself. Be positive with your words; your purpose and destiny are depending on it. Do you need to be more positive with your self-encouragement today?


December 17, 2012

Faith and Peace

Process minded people have a relaxed knowing that everything is perfectly on track, on schedule and that our best interests are taken care of.

When you are working your process, you will have a confidence that even when things are not going right, that you are still on track. There is going to be adversity that comes against you in life, but you have to be able to overcome it. There are going to be all sorts of things that can distract you, but you must remain focused. You have to develop a plan, believe in your plan and then work your plan. You will always be making adjustments to your process plan, but you never quit working it. There are many, many people on the sidelines that had a plan, believed in their plan, but still gave up. Never give up once you have developed your process. You have the peace of mind that all is on schedule and your best interests are being taken care of each day. Have faith in your process. Do you have peace and faith in your process today?

December 16, 2012

Great Encouragement

There is no better way to begin to express your own greatness than by offering encouragement to others and yourself to be your best.

Encouragement isn’t just about being nice; it’s looking for ways to improve someone else’s life. It’s bringing out the best in others. When you start your day, don’t just spend time thinking about yourself or how you can make your own life better. Think about ways you can make someone else’s life better, too! Ask yourself, “Who can I encourage today? Who can I build up?” You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you believe in them. We are responsible for how we treat the people God’s placed in our lives. He’s counting on us to bring out the best in our family and friends. Look for ways to give you creative ways to encourage those around you. As you sow seeds of encouragement and bring out the best in others, God will send people along your path that will build you up, too. Keep encouraging others today. Is there someone you should encourage today?


December 15, 2012

Relaxed and Focused

When you focus on your process, you relax and your attention becomes focused on what matters and makes a difference.

There are some things you can control and some things you can’t. When you focus on what you can control; which are all involved in your process, everything comes into focus. You will be amazed at how things slow down around you when you are solely focused on your process. The more you try to see and focus on; the less you see and the less focused you become. Then everything around you seems to speed up. Stop trying to focus on the stuff that is outside your control; outside your process. You are trying to be too controlling and that will never work out good for you or those around you. Relax and see your life change in ways you never thought possible. Develop your process and then work your process. This is why you were created. Don’t attempt to work someone else’s process, that will never work. You can start making a difference today. Stay focused and relaxed. Are you relaxed, focused, and working your process today?

December 14, 2012

Focused Success

A highly successful strategy for achieving success in life is focusing on your process. Forget the scoreboard and do your job as best you can.

God has given you all power and authority to overcome every obstacle you may face in life. That means you are well able to do what God has called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You have the ideas, the creativity and the talent to be successful. You have been armed with strength for every situation. God has already lined up the right people to come across your path; He’s already lined up the right opportunities. You have everything you need to live a victorious life. Not an average life, not a barely-get-by, mediocre life — you were created to excel. You have seeds of greatness on the inside. You may not have seen it in the past, but if you’ll stay in faith, it’s just a matter of time — victory is on the way. Don’t settle where you are. Rise up in strength today and begin to declare, “I will accomplish my dreams. I can overcome any obstacle. I’ve been equipped and empowered to live in victory in every area of my life.” Are you focused on your process today?

December 14, 2012

Men of Sunday

Men of Sunday is so encouraging. Once I got started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. This book really brings home the life of an NFL player and coach. It breaks down the toughness of the sport and how it affects these men. For many people, they never connect the violence of the sport to how it affects these men. I can see now why football players are more spiritual, so to speak, than other sports. Each time they go out on the field, it could be their last. I highly recommend Men of Sunday, to not just football fans, but people. If you have ever struggled with your purpose, calling and spiritual life, then this book is for you.

December 13, 2012

Go Fish

Typical encouragement points people toward an outcome, but the best encouragement points them toward a process.

There is a wise saying, ‘give a man a fish and you feed him for a meal, teach a man a man to fish and you feed hime for a lifetime.’ Typical encouragement is like giving someone a fish. It’s good for the moment, but it doesn’t last long. You get a favorable outcome, but soon as that situation is over they are back for more. The best encouragement is to teach them how to fish, point them toward their process. When in their process they won’t need the constant attention and encouragement. Not to say that they will never need encouraging again, but once they learn to live in their process zone, they will be doing the encouraging. If you find that you are in need of encouragement a regular basis, it may be that you need to find your purpose and process. Make sure today that you are working your process each day and in your purpose zone. Check your life today, are you encouraged and passing that on to others or do you need encouraging?


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