Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: March 2013

March 21, 2013

Change Your Life Labels

March 21, 2013

Inside Story

Continual growth and good results are the result of aligning the inside and the outside of our lives. Getting the inside right comes first.

God is always looking to take us to higher levels. He wants us to grow and increase in every area. Change is often a catalyst for growth in our lives, and it keeps up from getting stuck in a rut. To help keep us on our path toward our destiny, God will supernaturally open and close doors of opportunity. He will “stir us” out of comfortable situations and stretch us because He loves us too much to allow us to live in mediocrity. Do you know how an eaglet learns to fly? That mother eagle will take her eaglet to the very highest point—way out of its comfort zone—and then she just releases it. As the eaglet falls, the mother swoops down and picks it back up again. She does this over and over until the eaglet spreads its wings and soars through the air. That’s what God wants for you today. He wants you to soar in life! You might feel like that eaglet learning to fly, but know that God is right there with you! He is bringing you new times and seasons so that you will rise higher and embrace the very best He has in store for you. Are you ready for change and growth in your life today?


March 20, 2013

Speak What You Seek

Right outward talking with wrong inward thinking will not bring good results.

During the 1990’s, Jose Lima was the star pitcher for the Houston Astros. One season, he won 20 games and was considered one of the best pitchers in the league. When the Astros moved from the Astrodome to their new ballpark, the fence in left field was much closer than the fence in the Astrodome. It favored the hitters and made it more difficult on the pitchers. The first time Jose Lima went to the new ballpark, he stood on the mound, looked at the fence, and the first words out of his mouth were, “I’ll never be able to pitch in here. The fence is way too close.” Sure enough, he went from being a 20-game winner to a 16-game loser. It was one of the biggest negative turnarounds in the history of the Astros. What happened? He prophesied his future. Today, don’t get snared by the words of your mouth. When negative thoughts come, don’t speak them out; instead, speak life. Speak hope. Speak blessing. Speak what you seek! Speak the truth so you can move forward in the victory He has prepared for you! What are you speaking today?


March 19, 2013

Easy Does It Blog/Podcast

Don’t force the issue; just let it happen.

Click to listen to podcast

I have a friend who has developed several top college quarterbacks who have gone on to play in the NFL. One of his favorite sayings is, “Quarterback is too hard to play hard.” In other words, when someone is doing too much or doing more than his process can handle–and thus is forcing something to happen, as opposed to letting it happen–then it never happens. You name it–marriage, parenting, teaching, stock-brokering–all are too hard to play hard. All you have to do is get your process in front of you and let it happen, not force it to happen. In other words, play easy. Truly successful people have an ease and grace about the–they make it look easy. After you declare your process, “it” should all be “easy does it.”


March 18, 2013

I Got Stoned

Make a good choice with your life purpose and desires.
A woman stood beside a river, carrying a sack. Walking by her, a very hungry man asked it she had any food. “Yes,” she said and opened the sack. When she did, the man saw a precious stone inside and asked if could have the stone instead. “Certainly,” she said and easily gave it to him. He walk away, thinking, “I will never be hungry again. This stone is worth the kind of money that will allow me to eat for the rest of my life.” But then, he turned around and returned the stone to the woman. He said, “I do not want to the stone. I want is in you that enabled you to give me that stone.” Something to think about…

March 17, 2013

Keep Abiding

Character growth determines the height of your personal growth.

In life, we all have ups and downs. There are seasons that are more difficult than others, seasons of testing, trials and temptation where our character is being developed and our faith in God is being strengthened. Sometimes it can feel like you are taking two steps forward and then three steps backward. But if we’re not careful, we’ll start thinking that life is always going to be this way. Even in the strong seasons, you’ll start looking for things to go wrong. God doesn’t want us to be living life like a roller coaster. He wants to bring us to a place of stability where we remain strong in Him. Jesus said, “I am the vine. You are the branches. If you abide in me, you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain.” The word “remain” means “to be fixed, immovable, not affected by circumstances.” If you will just keep abiding in Him, just keep meditating on His Word, He’ll bring you through. He’ll make you strong, He’ll keep you stable, and you’ll keep moving forward into the life of blessing He has prepared for you. How is your character growth coming along?


March 16, 2013

Growth Through Pain

It’s sometimes very difficult to see the opportunity in the midst of the pain, but it’s there. You must pursue it.

Too often, people spend so much time and energy dwelling on the past, dwelling on mistakes, or dwelling on disappointments. They don’t even realize that their focus is keeping them from moving forward in life. But in order to fully experience God’s blessings, you have to let go of those past hurts; you have to forget the former things to make room for the new. God has a new beginning in store for you, and the way you prepare for it is by getting rid of the old. Don’t spend time focusing on where you’ve been; spend time focusing on where you’re going. When you “forget the former things,” it means you’re not worried about the past anymore. You don’t allow it to dictate your future. You may remember past events, but you don’t feel the pain like you used to. You’ve opened your heart to receive God’s healing. Begin today by declaring that your past is over! Forget the former things and receive the restoration and victory God has in store for you. Are you ready to move forward today? Can you see the opportunity in the pain?


March 15, 2013

Growing Season

No matter what you have gone through in life–or what you are currently going through–you have the opportunity to grow from it.

There will always be situations facing you that you don’t like. You will have the opportunity to complain, whine and make excuses about it. You will also have the opportunity to grow from it. You are heard that you grow during the tough times in your life. Take advantage of these tough times. Learn from whatever it is you are going through. It could teach you how not to go through it again. I see people, including myself, going through the same difficult seasons over and over again, because they didn’t learn and grow from it the first time. God will not put anything in your life that you can’t over come, but you will put stuff in your life that you can’t overcome. Make sure you are walking where God has instructed you to walk. Find out the plan He has designed for your life. When you are walking in God’s plan, life is much easier. It may not be easy, and that’s fine, but it is definitely easier. You can do this. You can make a difference. Your life is not a waste. Learn from where you are today. Are you learning and growing?


March 14, 2013

Victor Not a Victim

People who overcome bad experiences avoid the label of “victim” and take responsibility for moving forward.

God called Gideon a mighty man of fearless courage. Now Gideon looked around and said, “God couldn’t be talking about me. I come from the poorest family. I’m the least one in my father’s house.” Gideon saw himself as weak, defeated, and not able. But God saw him as strong, confident, and being more than a conqueror. The question is are we going to believe what God says about us, or are we going to believe what we feel, what we think, or what the circumstances look like? You may feel weak today, but God calls you strong. You may feel like a victim, but God calls you a victor. You may be afraid, but God calls you confident. You may be in debt, God calls you prosperous. You may be sick, God calls you well. You may be addicted, God calls you free. You may feel inadequate, but God calls you well able. Today, get into agreement with God. No matter what the circumstances look like, you’ve got to dig your heels in and say, “God, I agree with what You call me. I’m free, forgiven and full of purpose. Are you seeing yourself as a victim or victory today?


March 13, 2013

In Charge

The next time you find yourself in the midst of a bad experience, remind yourself you can take this time to learn and grow from it.

I want you to live an abundant and satisfied life. I want you to enjoy the fullness of  life and experience God’s goodness everywhere you go. It’s easy for people to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way all the time. But when you open yourself to new people, new experiences and new ideas, you are making room for God to reveal Himself to you and work in different ways in your life. When you stretch yourself, you increase your abilities, and you increase your influence in the world around you. This week, make the decision to explore something new. Take a different route home from work. Try something new on the menu at lunch. Be open to new people who may not necessarily look like you or act like you. Let God direct your life. Look for new opportunities to grow and stretch so you can live the full, satisfied life the Lord has in store for you. Are you letting God be in charge of your life today?


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