Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: May 2013

May 21, 2013

God's Love Blog/Podcast

When unexpected things happen — trials, difficulty or tragedy — the enemy sends a whirlwind of fear to try to shake our faith and steal our focus.

Click to listen to Podcast

His goal is to take our eyes off of God and cause us to feel overwhelmed by circumstances. But if we will choose to stay focused on the love of God, if we choose to meditate on His goodness, the truth will set us free from fear and ground our hearts in confidence. Today, know that God loves you perfectly. He is a good God. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that His plans for us are for good. He has thoughts of peace, not for evil. He wants to give you a future and hope. Anytime thoughts of fear come, replace them with words of love. Just say, “Thank You, God, for loving me. Thank You for leading me into peace. Thank You for hope for my future.” As you think on His love and goodness, you’ll feel faith rise up in your heart. You’ll feel hope, you’ll feel strength, and you’ll feel empowered to move forward in the good path He has prepared for you. Do you know that God loves you today?


May 20, 2013

Facing Situations

When a situation comes up and you tell yourself you can’t handle it, try telling yourself you can stand it by toughening up.

Sometimes, people get distracted by what they consider to be a disadvantage or weakness in their lives. It may be something about their personality or looks that they don’t like. It may be they’ve been through an unfair situation: a divorce, a bad business deal or a bad break. We all have things that can feel like disadvantages; things that make it harder on us. It may even be a physical disadvantage, and you can’t get around like you used to. But just because you have a “disadvantage,” just because you’ve been through a tough time doesn’t mean you’re supposed to sit back and settle where you are. God still has something great for you to do! He wants to show Himself strong in and through you, and He’s given you His Holy Spirit to equip you in this life. Today let the Holy Spirit help you when you feel weak. Let Him empower you with truth that will set you free. Stay in faith and don’t get negative toward yourself or your future. Let God take what you think is a liability and turn it into an asset! Let Him take what you think is a disadvantage and turn it around to be an advantage! Remember, you are a champion today and every day because He is strong in you! Are you facing up to your situations today?


May 19, 2013

The Plan

Self-efficient people bounce back from failure and attack challenges. They ask what to do instead of worrying and blaming others.

Are you facing challenges or failures today? Maybe something has happened that could easily discourage you and cause you to give up on your dreams. Issues in life can cause us to worry and blame others for where we are in life.  I want to remind you today that where you are is not where you are going to stay. God has an awesome plan in store for your future. When you stay in step with Him, you’ll walk right into your purpose and destiny. The Bible tells us that God wants to take us from glory to glory, from victory to victory. Even if you are between victories right now, keep your passion. Keep your enthusiasm. Focus on the fact that God has another level for you — another level of glory, another level of destiny, another level of His love. Today I encourage you, go out with a smile on your face. Give Him your best. Keep praying, keep believing, keep hoping and stand strong because another victory is coming your way. Are you standing strong in God’s plan for you today?


May 18, 2013

Meeting Challenges

When you believe you are the master of your own destiny and able to meet challenges head on; then you are self-efficacious.

I know people who feel like they’ve wasted years of their lives because of poor choices. They spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, years at a job where they weren’t fulfilled. But you have to realize, nothing you have been through is ever wasted. Your past experiences, good and bad have deposited something on the inside of you. Those challenges have sharpened you to help make you who you are today. When the enemy brings hardship into your life, God has a way of taking that experience and turning it around for your advantage. You may think you’ve hit a dead end, but if you’ll stay in faith, you will see God begin to open up a new route. He’ll put the right people in your path, the right opportunities, the right circumstances to move you forward toward your God-given destiny. Today, don’t focus on what’s happened in your past, focus on what God will do in your future. He wants to restore your soul and revive your dreams. Keep believing, keep expecting, keep hoping because God has a new route for your future! Are you meeting challenges head on today and winning?


May 17, 2013

Know the Truth

What is perceived to be true can often project a stronger image than the actual truth.

Are you going through a situation in your life that you don’t quite understand? During these uncertain seasons, it’s natural to question things in your mind. But in order to move forward, we have to look forward with our hearts. We have to look beyond the questions and continue to trust in what is true.  Understand that facts change every day. However, truth will always remain true. When you look at yourself and others, always look for the truth. What is the truth about you? What is the truth about that other person? Don’t let the facts ever get in the way of truth. Truth may look wrong, but your perspective may be off. Take the extra time to discover what is really true. You can stand on the truth at times. Facts will fail you. There is strength in knowing the truth. It may be painful at first, but knowing the truth will keep you in the tough times. Do you know the truth about you today?


May 16, 2013

Value Your Time

Sometimes, our days can be so full and busy that we forget how precious and fragile life here on earth really is.

It can be so easy to allow little things to creep in and steal our peace and joy. Maybe something doesn’t go our way, or someone says something upsetting. Even traffic can cause us to get our focus off if we let it. We have to remember that each day is a gift. If we choose to focus on what’s wrong, we’ll miss the beauty that each day has to offer. I encourage you today; don’t let the precious moments of life pass you by. Don’t wait for holidays and birthdays to show people that you care. Remember, each day is unique and irreplaceable. You have been given time that can be invested or wasted; hours that can be used or misused. Our prayer should be “Teach us to number our days. Teach us to value every moment we’ve been given.” As you keep a proper perspective, you’ll gain a heart of wisdom. You’ll draw closer to God and experience the full blessing that He has for you. Do you value your time?


May 15, 2013

Pivot Time

I have battled addictions all of my life; if 2 are good 17 gotta be better. Sometimes I have won; sometimes lost. Never measuring up to the standard I had for myself, never good enough. Always striving to be better; wanting to be a part of something bigger than me. For brief moments I would experience peace in my life, but never lasting. I know I have purpose & destiny; there is a plan for my life. Today is a day of recognizing internal change in me. I will never be the same again. Today practice is over and it’s time to play for keeps. Time to help others like myself to heal & find peace.

May 15, 2013

What's Your Plan

It’s amazing how taking a few minutes at the start of each day to plan and set your thoughts in the right direction can help you get ahead and empower you to accomplish so much more.

Too often, people get so caught up in the activity of life that they tend to just “go with the flow” instead. Of course, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be flexible, but when it comes to your life, you should be the one setting the flow. Of course, unexpected things happen. Our days won’t always go according to plan, but if you’ll take time each day to set your heart and mind in the right direction, you’ll be equipped for whatever comes your way. I encourage you, make plans to start your day right and set your thoughts in the right direction. Put God first place. Let Him guide you and order your steps. Even if it’s just five minutes a day, make spending time with Him a habit. Plan your day with Him because careful planning is the way to get ahead. What’s your plan?


May 14, 2013

Life in Words Blog/Podcast

All over the world, there are people who are lonely, they’re hurting, they’ve been through disappointments; they’ve suffered heartache and pain.

Click to play Podcast

God has given us something to offer them. We have life-giving, refreshing water in us. With our words, we can bring healing. With our words, we can lift them out of depression. With our words, we can tell them, “You’re beautiful. You’re amazing. You’re talented. God has a bright future in front of you.” Those life-giving words will break the chains of depression. They will break the chains of low self-esteem. You can help set people free from the strongholds that are keeping them back. You may not know all that is happening, but God can take one compliment, one encouraging word, and use that to begin the healing process and set that person on a brand new course. And when you help break the chains off of others, any chains that you might have will be broken off, too! Today, choose to speak encouragement. Choose to speak life. Tell others what they can become, give compliments, and live life as a healer. Pour out that life-giving water with your words. What are you speaking to others today?


May 13, 2013

I Don't Understand It

When things happen in your life that you don’t plan, do you find yourself trying to reason it all out or look for a “file” so to speak in your mind to put it in?

What happens when you can’t reason it out or make sense of it all? Here’s the answer: Every one of us needs to create a file in our thinking called the “I Don’t Understand It” file. When things come up that don’t make sense, things that you can’t figure out, instead of getting frustrated or confused, put it in your “I Don’t Understand It” file and leave it alone. If you go through life trying to figure out why something bad happened or why things didn’t work out, it will cause you to become bitter and stuck in life. Part of trusting God means trusting Him when things don’t make sense because we know that His plan is always for good. We have to know that He will reveal all things in His time — even if that means in eternity. Is there something that didn’t make sense in 2012 that you know you need to file away? Choose to trust God. Choose to keep moving forward. Know that He loves you, He is for you, and He has a great plan for your future. Do you have a “I Don’t Understand It” file?


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