Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: January 2014

January 21, 2014

Endless Possibilities

Everyone has been hurt, offended, betrayed and mistreated at some point. Sometimes those wounds are small and easy to move past, but other times, they are deep and take time to heal. The important thing is that we choose to forgive so that we can open the door to God’s forgiveness and healing in our own lives. Forgiveness is such a powerful tool. Forgiveness sets you free and draws you closer to your destiny. One of the first things my dad did when he found out that he had cancer was to ask God to search her heart for any unforgiveness. He made sure that he ask for and gave forgiveness to many people in his life. Choose to forgive anyone that has hurt you. Don’t let unforgiveness keep you from living your life to the fullest. There are endless possibilities for your life. Forgiveness is a major key to opening up those possibilities. Are you opening up all your possibilities today?

January 20, 2014

Be the Best You

It’s easy to be tempted to go through life competing with everyone around us.

When we see someone who’s more talented, better looking or has more talent, instead of running our race and being comfortable with who we are, oftentimes we feel inferior and think, “I’ve got to catch up to them.” The problem with this unhealthy competition is that it’s a never-ending cycle. There will always be someone ahead of us. But, it’s a very freeing thing when you realize, “I’m not competing with you. I don’t have to have as big a house as my neighbor to feel good about myself. I don’t have to keep up with people at school or work. I don’t have to be a certain size. No, I understand that I’m not in competition with my friend, my neighbor or my family. Instead, I’m going to be the best me that I can possibly be.”  Stop focusing on the outcome and keep working your process. Be who you were created to be and you will find your inner peace, happiness and joy. Are you being your best today?


January 19, 2014

Love in the Lead

Love leads us to serve, to forgive, and to hope.

Love is others minded at all times. When we are living with love as our decision making director we will make good decisions. Love in its truest form will lead you to serve others.  We will put others first in our thinking. We will consider their needs and find ways to serve them.  One of the greatest gifts that love offers us is forgiveness. When you love with conditions then you will live a lifestyle of forgiveness. Forgiving others is more for you than it is them, but requires love to carry it through. Hope is one of the strongest aspects of love. Hope can keep you going through the darkest of times. Hope gets its strength from love. I have been at the point in my life when hope was all that was keeping me alive. Undying love will enable hope to do miraculous things. Love should be at the center of our life. Nothing should ever be done without love being the reason. Are you allowing love to lead you today?


January 18, 2014

Infinite Love

You are loved, and your purpose is to love. From a mind filled with infinite love comes the power to create infinite possibilities.

When you see others through the eyes of love, of infinite, non-ending love there are no ends to the possibilities. We are to love one another without end. There are boundaries, but boundaries aren’t limits. Take the limits off of your love for yourself and others. If you want to see what all God has in store for your life; then love without end. If you are wondering what your purpose in life is? Love others unconditionally. Love without end. Infinite love will open new doors of possibility to you. See your life go to a higher and new level when you take the restrictions and conditions off of your love for others. Like I said, there are boundaries and appropriateness but no conditions. Let go of the hurts, disappointments and restrictive mindsets right now! Let God love through you today! Are you ready for infinite possibilities in your life today?


January 17, 2014

Grow in Love

By showing unconditional love to yourself and others, you gain dominion over your fear based thoughts.

There seems to be a problem with people having unconditional love for themselves or for others. When we have fear, not necessarily being frightened, but having fear of what others will do to us.  This fear is especially present when it comes to loving. We all have been hurt and have hurt others. For some it seems to be a vicious cycle. They are stuck in a love rut. When fear is present in our life there can be no unconditional love. When there is unconditional love present then there will be no fear. Will you be hurt again? Yeah, more than likely. However, the love that is present will enable you to move right on past the hurt. Forgiveness will be quick and complete, eliminating the pain. Remove the conditions from your love to yourself and others today. Begin to see others through the eyes of love. See them the way they could be, if only people had shown them unconditional love. Begin to see yourself through the same clear filters. Love yourself and then you will begin to love others too. Unconditional love maybe not start out easy but I guarantee you it will get easier as you grow in it. Love is contagious. Be a carrier of the unconditional love virus today you will never be the same. Are you growing in love today?


January 16, 2014

Failure Isn’t Final

Taking the shot and missing is not failure. Failure is letting fear prevent you from taking the shot.

Failures and disappointments. Aches and pains from the past that just won’t seem to go away. Most of us know what it’s like to suffer from them but too few of us know just what to do about them. So we limp along, hoping somehow they’ll magically stop hurting. But it never happens that way. In fact, the passing of time often leaves us in worse condition–not better. Because, instead of putting those painful failures behind us, we often dwell on them until they become more real to us than the actual truth about us. We focus on them until we become bogged down in depression, frozen in our tracks by the fear that if we go on, we’ll only fail again.I used to get caught in that trap a lot. Then one day when I was right in the middle of a bout with depression, God spoke up inside me and said: “Scott, your problem is you’re forming your thoughts off the past instead of the future. Don’t do that! Unbelief looks at the past and says, “See, it can’t be done.” But faith looks at the future and says, “It can be done, and according to the promises of God, it is done!” Then putting past failures behind it forever, faith steps out and acts like the victory’s already been won. No matter how bad your past may be; you have an awesome future. Don’t allow the negative thoughts to depress you and stop you from stepping into your destiny.  You have greatness inside of you. Are you ready to move past your past today?


January 15, 2014

Keep Digging

I read that back in the 1800’s some explorers were going across a huge desert and didn’t bring enough water.

They started digging at different spots underneath the surface about a foot or two trying to find water. They ended up losing their lives in the desert because of a lack of water. Many years later, it was discovered that there was water right there where they had lost their lives about three feet underground. If they would have just dug down a little bit further, they would have found the water and saved their lives. The same principle is true when you’re in a dry season and not getting any good breaks, business is slow, or you’re struggling in a relationship. It’s easy to think, “This is never going to change. I’m never going to see my dreams come to pass.” No, just like those early explorers, water is there. Provision is there. You just have to dig down a little bit deeper. If you will shake off the self-pity, shake off what didn’t work out, shake off the complacency and turn up your process, you’ll soon tap in to the blessing and provision that has been prepared for you. Are you going to keep digging?


January 14, 2014

What Are You Thinking

So many people today are depressed and discouraged simply because they only focus on their present circumstances.

They’re constantly dwelling on their problems, what they don’t have, and what’s wrong with them. They don’t realize it, but they’re allowing their circumstances to steal their hope. This negative frame of mind is what keeps people from moving forward in life. Understand today that faith is confidence and assurance about the things we hope for according to the promises of God. Like an arrow, your faith points to the target of hope. If you don’t have hope, that arrow of faith will just drop to the ground. It won’t accomplish anything. But when you keep your hopes up, when you keep expecting and believing, it’s as if that target gets larger and larger — easier to hit! Choose today to live with an attitude of expectancy. Get your hopes up! Start by taking captive any negative thoughts you may have one at a time. What are you focusing your thoughts on today?


January 13, 2014

Above Average

It’s easy to fall into “destination disease.”

That’s when you’re comfortable where you are. You’re not stretching, not learning anything new. There is nothing wrong with being happy where you are, but you have to remember, you have so much more inside of you. You were created to increase, to grow, to stretch and sharpen your skills. Studies tell us that the average person only uses 11% of their brain. Think about how much more potential we all could be tapping into. Maybe you’re an accountant. That’s good, but don’t settle there. Why don’t you go get your CPA license? There’s a new skill you can develop. That gift will make more room for you. Maybe you’re an electrician, a mechanic, a plumber. That’s great, but what steps are you taking to improve? I believe in this day and age, if you are at the same skill level today as you were five years ago, you’re at a disadvantage. Today, shake out of that “destination disease” and start sharpening your skills. Keep stretching, keep growing and keep moving forward into the life of blessing God has prepared for you. Are you ready to move into above average?


January 12, 2014

Thinking Positive

It’s interesting that our mind will naturally gravitate toward the negative.

A study showed how positive and negative memories are handled by different parts of the brain. A negative memory takes up more space. There’s more to process. Because of this, we will remember the negative more than the positive. For example, a person will remember losing $50 more than they will remember gaining $50. Knowing this, we have to be proactive with our thoughts. When the negative memories come back to the movie screen of our mind, many people pull up a chair, get some popcorn and watch them all over again. No, the point is that’s not the only channel. There’s another movie playing on a channel that’s filled with your accomplishments and victories. Instead of staying on that negative channel, you’ve got to switch over to your winning channel. You’re not going to move forward into the new things in your life if you’re always replaying the negative things that have happened to you. Instead, learn to change the channel. Meditate on victory and move forward in the victory and blessing God has in store for you. Are you a negative or positive thinker?


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