Monthly Archives: December 2022
December 31, 2022
Ready for 2023
I hope that you have had a great year in 2022.
At the same time, I believe that 2023 is going to be your best year yet. Rebound from the tough situations that you have been in during the year. Grow from the good times and go to a higher level in the coming year. Your inner Champion is ready to come out. You are prime to be the difference in those around you. I am pumped about your future and what is going to take place in your life starting tomorrow. Don’t let another year pass by without being the Champion you were created to be. Be unstoppable and relentless in your purpose. Do what you do best! This is going to be your year! Are you ready for greatness in 2023?
December 30, 2022
A Champion is never intimidated by pressure, they thrive on it.
As we continue talking about being a Champion, an unstoppable person, pressure is always a subject that comes up. Pressure is what you feel when you don’t know what you are doing or don’t feel confident in your skill to do it. Therefore, most people don’t like the feeling of pressure. Breathing shortens, difficulty in swallowing, and sweating are the usual signs of someone under pressure. Also, the performance suffers. However, for the Champion it’s just the opposite. Pressure isn’t looked at as negative. An unstoppable person takes pressure and uses it to their advantage. Instead of it holding them down and preventing maximum effort, it pushes them up. It’s like helium in a balloon. It raises the performance level of a Champion to another level. Pressure, to a Champion, separates them even farther from the rest. If you wanting to become unstoppable, relentless and a Champion, then adjust your response to pressure. Use it to make you better. How do you feel pressure today?
December 29, 2022
Are You Imitating
Have you ever spent time with a small child or baby and had them mimic your every sound or action?
To them it’s a fun game, but internally, they are learning by watching and copying everything you do. They just watch and do the same thing. That’s because we are all prewired to be imitators. Just like little children, we are all still imitators. So many people today end up imitating what they see in the world, on TV, in the news and magazines. But we need to imitate those that have gone before us and succeeded in what we want to succeed in. If you want to be a difference maker then be an imitator, not a copy cat, but do what they have done to succeed. If you need to change your actions today, change what you are imitating by simply changing your focus. Who are you imitating today?
December 28, 2022
Fan Day
If you’re going to pursue greatness, if you’re going to be a great businessperson, a great teacher, a great parent, a great leader, you have to understand that not everyone is going to cheer you on.
I’d love to tell you that your family, friends and co-workers will celebrate you, but that’s not necessarily the case. Some people simply can’t handle your success. As you grow and win, someone will get jealous. Someone will start finding fault. Don’t be surprised if a relative tries to belittle or discredit you. You can’t focus on making everyone around you happy or you’ll start changing and lose sight of your goal. Remember, your destiny is too great to be distracted by people who are never going to affirm you. Don’t take it personally. It’s not about you. It’s their problem. Shake it off, play your game, and be great anyway. Having greatness in the middle of criticism begins with forgiveness. Don’t hold a grudge. Let it go! Rise above it all and because you’re relentless. Are you ready to be unstoppable?
December 27, 2022
Watering Your Words
When somebody calls you something, either good or bad, that seed is planted in the soil of your mind.
However, you get to determine whether or not that seed takes root and grows. When you dwell on what was said, you are watering the seed. You’re giving it a right to become a reality. That’s why it’s so important to have a disciplined thought life. It’s great when people tell you, “You’re blessed. You’re talented. You’re going to do great things.” Water those seeds. Meditate on those thoughts throughout the day. That’s what you want to become a reality.Too often, we water the wrong seeds. We dwell on what the negative people say. These people can’t make a seed take root in your life. All they can do is sow the seed. You have complete control over what seeds are going to take root and grow in your own soil. Today, you might need to uproot some wrong seeds spoken over you. Let go of the negative and choose to think on the good. What seeds are you watering today?
December 25, 2022
Have a Merry Christmas
I want to take today to wish you a very Merry Christmas! Hope you and yours have an awesome day.
December 24, 2022
Adversity Along With Success
Adversity and success are neighbors on the way to becoming a Champion, you have to have both in your life.
Some of the best advice you will ever get to be a Champion, to be unstoppable is to never, ever, never give up. When adversity is present, know that success is right behind it. All you have to do is keep on keeping on. Stay with your process. Don’t allow negative thoughts to stay in your mind. You may be going through the toughest time of your life, but don’t give up. You may be dealing with the worse adversity you have ever faced, but don’t quit today. You are not alone in your struggles. We all may have gotten here in different boats, but we in the same ship now. To be a Champion, to be relentless we need one another. Never try to do make it by yourself. I encourage you today, to stay the course. You are closer than you think you are right now. Be the Champion that you were created to be today! Are you dealing with adversity today?
December 23, 2022
Stronger Than Before
Whatever happens, you’ll get through this and we’ll be stronger than ever before.
In life you are going to face opposition, especially on your journey as a Champion. The adversity is going to be bigger and stronger all the time. However, know that you will overcome and be much stronger because of it. It’s not the adversity that necessarily makes you a Champion, but it does reveal that you are a Champion. Don’t stress over the outcome because you are unstoppable. You play until you win and nothing else. You are strong now, but you will continually grow stronger as you move forward. Honestly, I am excited about your quest. I know you are going to accomplish awesome things in your life. Use your purpose to shape your destiny. Use you gifting to be the difference on other’s life’s. You are very special and unique, so use that to make it to the next level in your life. Are you strong?
December 22, 2022
All Yoked Up!
A yoke is something that is put around the neck of an ox to help control the animal.
It limits its movement. If the ox starts to get off course, the yoke is used to pull it back. Even though an ox is very powerful, this small yoke keeps it from doing what it wants to do. Some people don’t realize today that they’re living with a yoke around their neck. They wonder why they can’t get ahead or why everything is a struggle. It’s because of the yokes that are dragging them down. Negative words that were spoken over you can become a yoke. Every time you start to step out, you hear that voice, that parent, that coach saying, “You’re not that talented; you don’t have what it takes.” It plays again and again. Eventually, you shrink back. That’s a yoke. Today choose to forgive and release the yoke of bitterness. Don’t go around being burdened any longer. Are you under the yoke of unforgiveness today?
December 21, 2022
Are You in the Now
Let go of the past, and get back to competing in the Now and execute the next play.
Letting go of the previous play and staying present can be difficult for some. Moving on from your past mistakes in life can also be tough to do for most. However, to be a Champion you have to be in the Now, able to focus on what is happening in the present. When you make a bad play you can’t stay there; you have to move on. When the referee makes a bad call you can’t be arguing and complaining you have to stay in the present. When you make a mistake in a relationship you can’t complain and make excuses, you stay in the present and make it right. Don’t let your past keep you from executing the next play. Stay in the Now whether on the field, the court, or in life. You will never reach your destiny in life if you stay in the past. Not saying to ignore your past, make things right as best you can and move forward. There will always be people that try to hold you back. Stay in the Now, and now is always now. Are you in the Now today?
Happy Birthday to me!