Monthly Archives: April 2023
April 30, 2023
Mentally Unstoppable
Physical dominance can make you great. Mental dominance is what ultimately will make you unstoppable, a Champion.
Now days everyone has talent. The difference maker then is; mental dominance. The mental game is what will enable you to be the Champion you want to be. All the talent in the world will only get you so far and will only keep you for so long. Talent levels will start to decrease in time. However, the mental conditioning will make you stronger than your opponent. When others are falling by the side, you will continue going higher. Why do we neglect to train our minds? I encourage you today to begin a mental conditioning program. You will see results faster than you may even expect. There is such a demand today for excellence in every field, not just sports. Take your game, whatever it may be, to the next level. It is a must if you really want to be the Champion you were created to be. To be unstoppable you must have mental toughness. If you truly desire the highest level of your destiny and purpose; mental dominance has to be there. Are you mentally dominant today?
April 29, 2023
Super Simple
Simple is powerful, but simple doesn’t mean easy.
KISS; Keep It Super Simple is a profound statement. People tend to think being a Champion is complicated. This is not true. By eliminating distractions and clutter a person becomes unstoppable and relentless. This is very powerful. However, simple is rarely easy. Being a Champion is the hardest thing you will ever do. It is a grind day-in-day-out. To be in this group you have to be able to block out the distractions that come at you. There are always going to be people and circumstances that try to break your focus and complicate your life. This is where keeping it simple pays off. When you try to focus on more than one thing at a time, you focus on neither. Staying aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you is important, but don’t try to be in control of everything at once. Control what you can control and let the rest go. Being a Champion is not complicated, so if your life seems complex today, make some changes. Eliminate what needs to go and focus on what you do best. Keep your life simple will help you become the Champion you desire to be. Is your life simple and powerful today?
April 28, 2023
Correct Mindset
Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life is simply because they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction.
They’ve programmed their minds to worry. They’ve programmed their minds to complain. They’ve programmed their minds to see the negative. But just as we can train our minds to focus on the negative, we can also reprogram our minds to focus on the positive. It all depends on what we meditate on. When we meditate on the truth we reprogram our minds. When we meditate on the truth, we are developing a right mindset. When we choose to be grateful and focus on what’s right rather than what’s wrong, we are choosing a positive attitude. This doesn’t happen automatically, you have to discipline yourself to focus on the right things. You have to make a conscious effort to spend time developing a truth based mindset every single day until a habit is formed. What is your mind set today?
April 27, 2023
Other’s Respect
When others look at your life, what do they see?
Does your daily life win the respect of others? As A Champion, you are called to a higher standard. The way we live our lives should lift others higher. Now this doesn’t mean for you to go out of your way to do something major so that everyone will respect you. It also doesn’t mean win a gold medal or Pulitzer prize so that people will notice you. No, it means that your daily life should win the respect of others. That simply means to always take the high road and live a life of excellence. It means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It means finding common ground in order to be a peacemaker. It means going out with an attitude of excellence. Remember, you will become like whomever you spend the most time with. Do you have others respect today?
April 26, 2023
Adversity to Success
Adversity and success are neighbors on the way to becoming a Champion, you have to have both in your life.
Some of the best advice you will ever get to be a Champion, to be unstoppable is to never, ever, never give up. When adversity is present, know that success is right behind it. All you have to do is keep on keeping on. Stay with your process. Don’t allow negative thoughts to stay in your mind. You may be going through the toughest time of your life, but don’t give up. You may be dealing with the worse adversity you have ever faced, but don’t quit today. You are not alone in your struggles. We all may have gotten here in different boats, but we in the same ship now. To be a Champion, to be relentless we need one another. Never try to do make it by yourself. I encourage you today, to stay the course. You are closer than you think you are right now. Be the Champion that you were created to be today! Are you dealing with adversity today?
April 25, 2023
Your Adversity
How do you respond to adversity?
The way you handle adversities has a huge impact on your success in life? If you shrink back, choose to get bitter and lose your drive, then you are allowing the difficulties of life to bury you. You are allowing hardship to keep you from your God-given destiny. But if you choose to keep pressing forward with a smile on your face, even in the hard times, you are allowing your character to be developed inside of you. You are setting yourself up for success. Think about this: the only difference between a piece of black coal and a priceless diamond is the amount of pressure that it’s endured. When you stand strong in the trials and difficulties in life, when you shape and mold your character, it’s like going from a piece of coal to a priceless diamond. Those difficulties are going to give way to new growth, new potential, new talent, new friendships, new opportunities, new vision. You’re going to see your life grow in ways that you’ve never even dreamed! How do you respond to adversity?
April 24, 2023
No Floor or Ceiling
Champions don’t worry about hitting the ceiling or the floor. There is no ceiling. There is no floor.
When you are striving to be unstoppable you don’t think about a ceiling or a floor. A Champion focuses on getting better each day. You never focus on the destination, but rather the journey. You will know when you have arrived and then you keep going. Being a Champion at what you do is a lifestyle not a goal. There will be goals along the way, but they are not the end. Goals are only mile markers along the way. You keep moving even if it looks like you have bottomed out or you have hit the ceiling. Those only exist in the lives of those that desire to be average. I encourage you to keep up the fight to be the greatest. Never let up in your process. If you have questions about how to be your best let me know. We are in this together! Be great today! Are you ready to be your best today?
April 23, 2023
Your Inner Alarms
Do you ever feel an inner “alarm” going off when you know you shouldn’t be doing something?
As soon as we feel that uneasiness, we need to stop and evaluate what’s going on. Too often, people override that feeling thinking they’ll sort it out later, but then they have to deal with things that they could have avoided. The time to respond is the time when you sense the alarm. You may be in the middle of a conversation and the alarm goes off. You know you’re supposed to walk away. Don’t ignore it. Or, you’re about to purchase something. You’re about to make some plans and you feel that check, that uneasiness, that alarm. That’s not random. If you will learn to listen, you can stay away from trouble. Don’t ignore it and make life more difficult; instead, quickly obey. Don’t override the alarms. Are you listening to the alarms today?
April 22, 2023
Words Are Seeds
Words are seeds. What are you planting in people?
There was a report about children who had been bullied in school. It talked about how years later, those negative words were still having an effect on many of them. They interviewed this one man. He was in his 40’s. He looked to be a bright, intelligent man, but he had not been able to hold down a good job, struggled in his relationships, and couldn’t seem to get on course. He said as a child, he was overweight. He was chubby, and some of the other children made fun of him and called him names like “loser” and “failure.” He made the mistake of letting those words take root. Now they were keeping him in mediocrity. When somebody calls you something, either good or bad, that seed is planted in your mind. Now you get to determine whether or not that seed takes root and grows. When you dwell on what was said, you are watering the seed. You’re giving it a right to become a reality. That’s why it’s so important that we’re disciplined in our thought life. It’s great when people tell you, “You’re blessed. You’re talented. You’re going to do great things.” Meditate on those throughout the day. Water those seeds and watch the truth become your reality. What seeds are you planting today?
April 21, 2023
From Past to Present
The present is more important than the past.
Oftentimes we allow our past to negatively affect our present and future. However, your past should be a teacher that pushes you toward your purpose and destiny in life. We all have made mistakes and bad decisions. Learn from those and use it to make a better today and tomorrow for yourself and those around you. Your past should never disqualify your destiny but rather it qualifies you to be the difference. Whether you try to disqualify yourself or others attempt to do so, push forward. Take what you can from days and years gone by and use it to form your process for becoming the Champion you were created to be. There are so many others that are going through what you have been through that need your help; your advice. You are the difference in their life. Being relentless means forgiving yourself for what has happened in your life. You can do this! You are a Champion! Are you ready to use your past to make a better tomorrow?