November 12, 2023
Have you been facing a mountain for so long that you feel like you are just sort of stuck there?
Maybe at one time you knew you would break that addiction. You knew you would beat that sickness. You knew you would get married. But, you’ve gone through disappointments. It didn’t happen the way you thought. It’s time to move forward. There are new levels in front of you, new opportunities, new relationships, promotions, breakthroughs. But, you’ve got to stir up your fire. You’ve got to get a vision for victory. The dreams, the promises that you’ve pushed down and thought, “Oh, it’s not going to happen. I’m too old. I don’t have the connections. I don’t know the right people,” If you will start believing again, start dreaming again, start pursuing what is in your heart. Press past the mountain and move forward into victory. Are you believing in your dream today?