Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 26, 2021

Helping Out Others

You aren’t a Champion unless you are helping others become a Champion.

Your purpose isn’t about you; it’s about others. In order for you to be a Champion you have to be bringing others with you. A Champion will be a teacher/mentor/leader. To say it’s lonely at the top, means that you’re not at the top; you’re just alone. If you’re at the top there will be others there will you. The one’s that brought you up and the one’s you are bring up with you. A Champion isn’t afraid to reach out and help others. A Champion will teach and show what they have learned alone the way. It takes being secure in who you are to be a Champion. You’re not worried about the others being better than you because of what you have taught them. It is your purpose to make them better because of what you have taught them. Your legacy as a Champion is that you helped others become a Champion. Look around you. Are there others making the way to the top with you? It is the mark of a Champion. Are you helping others become a Champion today?

June 28, 2015

Your Fans

If you’re going to pursue greatness, if you’re going to be a great businessperson, a great teacher, a great parent, a great leader, you have to understand that not everyone is going to cheer you on.

I’d love to tell you that your family, friends and co-workers will celebrate you, but that’s not necessarily the case. Some people simply can’t handle your success. As you grow and win, someone will get jealous. Someone will start finding fault. Don’t be surprised if a relative tries to belittle or discredit you. You can’t focus on making everyone around you happy or you’ll start changing and lose sight of your goal. Remember, your destiny is too great to be distracted by people who are never going to affirm you. Don’t take it personally. It’s not about you. It’s their problem. Shake it off, play your game, and be great anyway. Having greatness in the middle of criticism begins with forgiveness. Don’t hold a grudge. Let it go! Rise above it all and because you’re relentless. Are you ready to be unstoppable?

April 23, 2014

Being Accountable

True dedication starts the day that you make that declaration known to others who can will hold you accountable for reaching your goals.

A good friend of mine always says; “I will do what is inspected before I will do what is expected.” What he is saying is, when he is held accountable to do something he will do it. If we are only expected to do something but no one ever checks to see if we did it; we probably won’t do it or not as well. The day that we make ourselves accountable is the day you start fulfilling your destiny. Champions are people that keep themselves accountable to others. They know that when they tell others what they want to accomplish and then allow those people to speak into their life; they are on their way to be a champion. Take the big step to becoming a champion today. Ask someone that will hold you accountable to do just that. Make sure they are accountable to someone too. Someone that is not accountable to anyone has no place holding others accountable. No better day than today to get started. You aren’t in this alone. Are you accountable today?


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