Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 7, 2024

Bar Raising

A Champion can’t even define success because they keep raising the bar on what that means.

Records where meant to be broken. What at one time was supposed to be success is now not even average. That is because those that are unstoppable keep changing the definition of success. To be the greatest of the greatest you have to keep raising the bar. You are never satisfied where you are at. When you become content and satisfied then you will not stay at the top for very long. I encourage you today to keep striving to be your best. Don’t compete against others but rather compete against yourself. When you find your true north, your purpose, your reason for being you will never have another boring, wasted, timing killing day. You will crave the end result of what you are doing. Keep raising your own personal bar. Being a Champion will mean you have to be relentless in your pursuit of being the best. Today you will change the definition of success in whatever it is you do. Are you ready to raise the bar?

February 5, 2024


Champions understand they don’t have to love the work to be successful, they just have to be relentless about achieving it.

To be a Champion you don’t have love the work, just the end result. There will be a tremendous amount of hard work in becoming the best. Never let anyone else out work you in what you do. That is why being relentless is a must. There will be a lot of people at the starting line, but few will actually do the work to finish. You have to have the mentality to be a finisher. It’s not about loving the work necessary, but loving where the work gets you. Getting to the top will require you to stay the course. It has been said; it’s hard to beat someone that won’t quit. That’s what it takes to be a Champion. It’s great to love what you do. That is a bonus. I love what I do each day, but there are parts of what I do that I don’t love. However, I want to be the best, therefore, I am unstoppable in doing what I do. You can do the same. Be your absolute best every day. Are you ready to be relentless today?

April 29, 2022

Keeping it Simple

Simple is powerful, but simple doesn’t mean easy.

KISS; Keep It Super Simple is a profound statement. People tend to think being a Champion is complicated. This is not true. By eliminating distractions and clutter a person becomes unstoppable and relentless. This is very powerful. However, simple is rarely easy. Being a Champion is the hardest thing you will ever do. It is a grind day-in-day-out. To be in this group you have to be able to block out the distractions that come at you. There are always going to be people and circumstances that try to break your focus and complicate your life. This is where keeping it simple pays off. When you try to focus on more than one thing at a time, you focus on neither. Staying aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you is important, but don’t try to be in control of everything at once. Control what you can control and let the rest go. Being a Champion is not complicated, so if your life seems complex today, make some changes. Eliminate what needs to go and focus on what you do best. Keep your life simple will help you become the Champion you desire to be. Is your life simple and powerful today?

April 27, 2022

Take a Look

When others look at your life, what do they see?

Does your daily life win the respect of others? As A Champion, you are called to a higher standard. The way we live our lives should lift others higher. Now this doesn’t mean for you to go out of your way to do something major so that everyone will respect you. It also doesn’t mean win a gold medal or Pulitzer prize so that people will notice you. No, it means that your daily life should win the respect of others. That simply means to always take the high road and live a life of excellence. It means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It means finding common ground in order to be a peacemaker. It means going out with an attitude of excellence. Remember, you will become like whomever you spend the most time with. Do you have others respect today?

April 24, 2022

Floor to Ceiling

Champions don’t worry about hitting the ceiling or the floor. There is no ceiling. There is no floor.

When you are striving to be unstoppable you don’t think about a ceiling or a floor. A Champion focuses on getting better each day. You never focus on the destination, but rather the journey. You will know when you have arrived and then you keep going. Being a Champion at what you do is a lifestyle not a goal. There will be goals along the way, but they are not the end. Goals are only mile markers along the way. You keep moving even if it looks like you have bottomed out or you have hit the ceiling. Those only exist in the lives of those that desire to be average. I encourage you to keep up the fight to be the greatest. Never let up in your process. If you have questions about how to be your best let me know. We are in this together! Be great today! Are you ready to be your best today?

April 10, 2022

Walk and Talk

By watching the way a person walks and listening to their talk tells you a lot about that person’s belief in getting the job done.

How a person carries himself and talks will give you a major clue as to how they will perform. A Champion walks tall and big, no matter their physical size or ability. I have seen people in wheelchairs that still “walked tall.” It can be a presence of mind is what I mean by this. Also, the way a Champion talks sets them apart. Nothing arrogant or conceded about their behavior or words, but confident. Doesn’t mean that a relentless person has it all together all the time, but you will never know any different. Being confident is a lifestyle. It doesn’t come overnight, but it does come. Being unstoppable is something that is attainable, but you have to walk the walk while talking the talk. While at the same time, those that don’t want to put in the work are trying to bring you down. Their walk and talk is all negative and what you have not succeeded at. Their talk is about where you have made mistakes and failed. Never stoop to their level. Stay tall and talk the talk of a Champion. Are you walking and talking the Champion way today?

March 19, 2022


Minimal expectations, minimal pressure….minimal rewards.

You will get out of it; what you put into it. Have you been disappointed to the point that you don’t expect much anymore? If I don’t expect much then I won’t be disappointed. However, a Champion isn’t like this. A Champion knows that with high expectations, high pressure; there will be high reward. Nothing worth doing has low expectations or minimal pressure. High stakes, high risk, high payoff. It all goes to say that; Champions like the thrill of pressure situations. Don’t ever look for the easy job or situations. Never let the fear of the power of situation cause you to step back. Be the one that has the expectation of being a Champion. Be the one that uses the pressure to bring out the best. The reward then is being unstoppable and relentless. There is nothing like being the one who goes against the odds and wins time and time again. Expectations, pressure, rewards anyone?

March 14, 2022

Willing To Do

A Champion doesn’t want to give up the thing others aren’t willing to do.

Being a Champion is tough work. Doing what others aren’t willing to do is one thing that separates the best from the unstoppable. The best are really, really good, but a Champion is a stop above the best. Being a Champion means you aren’t just the best, but you are relentless and unstoppable. You have to do the unthinkable. You have to do what can’t be done. A Champion doesn’t see anything as being impossible. They see the impossible as necessary. I want to encourage you today to step up to the plate and do the impossible. Do what others aren’t willing to do. Take your purpose in life to the next level. Be the Champion! Be relentless and unstoppable. Are you willing to do the thing others aren’t willing to do?

March 6, 2022

Get It Done

A Champion will decide how to get the job done, and then they do whatever is necessary to make it happen.

There is no giving up in a Champion. Every Champion I have ever met is unstoppable. They see the situation in question, then devise a process to get the done completed. Then they do whatever has to be done to get it done. Once you have decided to take on the task, don’t stop until it is done. There are many who start the process but very few that actually finish. If you desire to be a Champion, that is the simple process. The process may be simple, however, the working of the process is the hard part. It is hard work being unstoppable. A lot of that comes from those that aren’t unstoppable, that don’t want you to be either. People that stop, give up and quit do not want you to keep going, not give up and finish. That is why you have to be determined when you are unstoppable. You have what it takes to be the Champion you have dreamed about being. Are you determined today?

January 30, 2022

Be the Best

It’s easy to be tempted to go through life competing with everyone around us when we see someone who’s more talented, better looking or has more gifts.

Instead of running our race and being comfortable with who we are, oftentimes, we feel inferior and think, “I’ve got to catch up to them.” The problem with this unhealthy competition is that it’s a never-ending cycle. There will always be someone ahead of us. But, it’s a very freeing thing when you realize, “I’m not competing with you. I don’t have to have as big a house as my neighbor to feel good about myself. I don’t have to keep up with my co-worker. I don’t have to be a certain size. No, I understand that I’m not in competition with my friend, my neighbor or my co-worker. Instead, I’m going to be the best me that I can possibly be.” Be the difference in the world today. You are a Champion and it’s time to be the Champion you you were created to be. Are you ready today to be the best?

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