January 6, 2025
It’s Time to Let Go
All your ambitions and secrets, your darkest dreams… they’re eating for you to just let go.
What is it you are holding on to that is keeping you from rising to the top? Fear of failure? Fear of success? Insecurities? What is it? Everything inside of you are telling you to let go of the negative strongholds in your life and be the best. Rise up where you are supposed to be today. It is your destiny to be your absolute best. Only you can stop you from being a Champion. Only your fears and insecurities will prevent you from reaching the top and then keeping on going. When you ambitions, secrets, and darkest dreams overcome the negative strongholds that are holding you back, you will then see your life in a completely different way. It doesn’t matter what it is you do; it does not matter. If it is what you were created to do; then today, let go of the fear and step up. Today is the day to begin the journey if you haven’t already. Let go of the negative and step into your destiny in life. Are you ready to begin your journey?
November 2, 2024
Let It All Hang Out
How do you recognize a person that is hurting on the inside? How do you know if the person sitting next to you right now is going through a really tough situation? Chances are if you around folk today that most of them are hurting in some way. There is a chance, too, that it could be you.
It can be hard sometimes to know if someone is going through a valley type situation because we hide it so well. We don’t want other to know that we don’t have it all together. We try to keep it a secret and make others think that we are tough. If we tell someone about our hurts, disappointments and fears then they may think less of us. Trust me, when we tell them is not when they find out about it. Most times those that know us already know when we are hurting and they too know fears. Truthfully though, does it really matter if they didn’t know? What if we were to open ourselves up and expose our inner most parts? Is getting all the mess out worse than dealing with them and living with them every day? For me I thought it was better to keep it all in, but I have realized that it is much better to get it out. It is true that you have to be careful who you open up to, but find that person. Talk to your spouse, your parents, a teacher, a coach, a pastor. Find that one person you can talk to and be safe.
August 2, 2024
The Reason Why
When we have a big enough reason why, we can always find a way how.
Being unstoppable means you will find a way to get the job done. When the why is there, there is no stopping you. You have the discipline to do the work necessary. There is a tenacity about you that won’t let you quit. You don’t look to others to find a way how. When you have a goal, you devise a process and go do work. As a Champion when you set your mind to something, there is nothing or no one that make you stop. The only difference between a Champion and the rest of the world is all mental. People often think about being a Champion is so far out of their reach, but you have what it takes. Make sure your why is bigger than any doubt you make have in your mind. So make up your mind to being al you were created to be in life. It’s time to get off the sidelines and get in the game today. Your purpose in life is to make a difference. I am excited about your destiny. I know your why is big enough for you to find the how. Are you ready to find your how?
June 17, 2024
Could Be
People have a problem seeing what could be because they can only see what is.
April 15, 2024
Be There
Remember that winning is a byproduct of being where you need to be when you need to be there.
I have learned that being where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing will make life much simpler for you. Champions know this. Being unstoppable, you know your place. You understand how to work in your purpose. You know where you need to be at and what you need to be doing. You do what you do and let others do what they do. It’s very simple in fact. Stop trying to do other people’s job and do your own. This will assure that you are where you are supposed to be. You are able to more in less time because you are in your strength zone. If you desire to be a Champion then find where you belong. Determine your place in life. Then go do what you were created to do. Are you where you are supposed to be today?
April 2, 2024
Why to How
When we have a big enough reason why, we can always find a way how.
Being unstoppable means you will find a way to get the job done. When the why is there, there is no stopping you. You have the discipline to do the work necessary. There is a tenacity about you that won’t let you quit. You don’t look to others to find a way how. When you have a goal, you devise a process and go do work. As a Champion when you set your mind to something, there is nothing or no one that make you stop. The only difference between a Champion and the rest of the world is all mental. People often think about being a Champion is so far out of their reach, but you have what it takes. Make sure your why is bigger than any doubt you make have in your mind. So make up your mind to being al you were created to be in life. It’s time to get off the sidelines and get in the game today. Your purpose in life is to make a difference. I am excited about your destiny. I know your why is big enough for you to find the how. Are you ready to find your how?
December 16, 2023
It’s Never Too Late
No matter what has happened in your life, it is never too late to become everything you were created to be.
The key is to clear out all the negative things people have said about you and focus on the positive! You are not who people say you are. You have to clear out what that old coach or teacher said about you. Delete it. Quit thinking on that. You have exactly what you need for the race that’s been designed for you. Clear out what the counselor said, “You’re just a C student. You’re not college material.” Delete it. You’re an A student. You have seeds of greatness. Clear out what the ex-boyfriend or ex-spouse said, “You’re not attractive. You’re not good enough for me.” Delete it. You’re a masterpiece, one of a kind, beautiful, attractive, a Champion. You might even have to clear out what a parent said or whoever raised you. “You’re so undisciplined. You’re never going to amount to much. You can’t do anything right.” Delete it. You are destined to do great things. You’re destined to leave your mark on this generation, and it’s never too late to embrace all your destiny has in store for you. What do you need to delete today?
December 2, 2023
Stuck in Life
A lot of people get stuck in life because they’ve been hurt or betrayed, and they end up settling where they are.
They allow the disappointment to keep them from their destiny appointment. Don’t let that be you! Don’t let what somebody did or didn’t do for you be an excuse to live sour. Don’t let a bad break, a divorce, a betrayal or a bad childhood cause you to settle where you are. Move forward and be unstoppable. Move forward and into your destiny. Move forward and you’ll move up to a new and higher level. The loss of someone close to you will not prevent you from your life plan. The business that didn’t make it, the relationship that didn’t work out did not stop the plan for your life. Now, the real question is: are you going to get stuck, fall into self-pity, become bitter, let the past poison your future? Or, are you going to shake it off and move forward knowing that your best days are still up ahead?
November 15, 2023
Are there some tent stakes in your life that you need to pull up so you can press forward?
Maybe you’ve stopped in a temporary place, and it’s time to keep going. Maybe you’ve gotten comfortable and decided that your dreams are never going to happen. Your health is never going to improve. I’m asking you to pack up your tent, gather up your stuff and start moving forward. You may have taken a temporary delay, but that’s okay. That didn’t stop your destiny. Today can be your new beginning. There are greater victories in front of you! Remember, the first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you don’t think you can be successful, then you never will be. If you don’t think you can overcome the past, meet the right person or accomplish your dreams, then you’ll get stuck right where you are. You’ve got to change your thinking. Get rid of a negative, defeated mentality. Make room in your thinking for the new thing you are supposed to do, pull up your stakes and move on. Are you ready to break camp?
June 26, 2023
In the Rut
Too often, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way over and over every day.
But if we are going to live at our full potential, we should constantly be growing and sharpening our skills. We should strive to learn and grow every single day because when you stop learning, you stop growing. When you stop growing, you stop living. In this season of your life, what are you doing to stretch yourself? What are you doing to improve your skills? Don’t get trapped into thinking that “good enough” is good enough. You were created for more than just average. Today is a new day, and there are new heights for you to climb. Pursue what you love and keep developing that area of your life. Take a class or find a mentor that will help you live skillfully. As you do, you’ll see growth and success. Are you in a rut today?