Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 13, 2015

Push Through It

Want to be a Champion? Then you ignore the pain, exhaustion and the pressure to be the greatest.

On the journey to be the best people fall by the side because it’s “too hard.” They make various excuses as to why they “couldn’t” make it. However, a Champion ignore the pain, the exhaustion, the pressure and become the greatest. Listen, being unstoppable, a Champion isn’t easy, I understand that. Many people talk about being a Champion, but that is as far as it goes. It takes a special and unique person to be able to push through all the adversity. However, each of you have the qualities necessary to be relentless, a Champion. Be special and unique in whatever it is you do. I want to see you rise to the top. I want to see you be the greatest person you can be. Push through the adversity, be an overcomer, be the difference today! Be the person others look to when the game is one the line. This is your time to step up and be who you were created to be. Push past the pain, brush off the exhaustion, step up to the pressure. You can do this. Like we have said, it doesn’t matter what it is you have been called to do; Do It! Be the best ever at it. Are you ready to push through today?

March 31, 2015

Pain of Life

When you’re going through a world of pain, you never hide. You show up to work ready to go, you face adversity and your critics and judges.

This is the mark of a Champion in any walk of life. It doesn’t matter what you are doing. If you can stand tall in the middle of hell on earth and take it on; you’re a Champion. Someone that is unstoppable in their purpose no matter what is happening around them is a Champion. We all have to endure the pain of life at times. It’s those that don’t give up and quit but rise to the occasion that go to the front of the class. Champions don’t make excuses for what has happened. I know in my life, I am responsible for 99% of the pain I have endured. I am the cause of adversity because of the decisions I have made. When I decided and was determined to stand up to my mess did I find the inner strength that is in all of us. When I would stand up and take a step forward, God would take 10 for me. Today, rather than trying to avoid pain in your life, take it on. Show up and do what you do. Show others that with God all things are possible. There is more inside of you than you may realize. Stop trying to just get by and survive the pain, but thrive on it today. Let it take you to a higher level of purpose and destiny. Be unstoppable, relentless, a Champion today? Are you standing tall in your pain today?

September 27, 2014

Life Pain

When you’re going through a world of pain, you never hide. You show up to work ready to go, you face adversity and your critics and judges.

This is the mark of a Champion in any walk of life. It doesn’t matter what you are doing. If you can stand tall in the middle of hell on earth and take it on; you’re a Champion. Someone that is unstoppable in their purpose no matter what is happening around them is a Champion. We all have to endure the pain of life at times. It’s those that don’t give up and quit but rise to the occasion that go to the front of the class. Champions don’t make excuses for what has happened. I know in my life, I am responsible for 99% of the pain I have endured. I am the cause of adversity because of the decisions I have made. When I decided and was determined to stand up to my mess did I find the inner strength that is in all of us. When I would stand up and take a step forward, God would take 10 for me. Today, rather than trying to avoid pain in your life, take it on. Show up and do what you do. Show others that with God all things are possible. There is more inside of you than you may realize. Stop trying to just get by and survive the pain, but thrive on it today. Let it take you to a higher level of purpose and destiny. Be unstoppable, relentless, a Champion today? Are you standing tall in your pain today?

December 17, 2013

Playing in Pain

Sometimes in life, you’ve got to play in pain.

In other words, you’ve got to keep going even when you don’t feel like it. You have to keep pressing forward even when it’s not easy. Every voice will tell you, “You’re done. There’s nothing good in your future.” No, don’t believe those lies. God sees your effort. It’s one thing to do the right thing and make good decisions when everything is going your way. That’s great. God honors that. But when times are tough and nothing is going your way, when you’re hurting, when you should be on the sidelines nursing your injury but instead you’re still in the game; you’re still getting to work on time; you’re still being good to someone, you’re still expecting God to turn it around, that gets God’s attention in a new way. I believe God has a greater victory for people who are faithful in the tough times. If that’s you today, know that God has His hand on you. He’s walking with you through the valley. He’s preparing streams in the dessert. Keep working your process. Keep believing. Keep moving forward knowing that God is with you, and His comfort will guide you to the place of blessing. Are you in pain but still playing?


December 2, 2013

Beauty and Ashes

Develop a perspective that views pain as the beginning of the healing process–as the catalyst to becoming a better person.

Everyone has experienced hurt and disappointment. We’ve all been burnt by life. But God doesn’t want us to sit in the ashes of the past; He wants to trade our brokenness for healing. He wants to give us beauty for our ashes. The key is that we have to be willing to give up the ashes in order to receive the beauty. You can’t have both because the old has to go before the new can come. Today, are you willing to trust Him with your past hurts? Are you willing to let go of the pain, to forgive others and yourself so you can move forward in freedom? Don’t waste another day sitting in the ashes. The past is over, but your future remains. Let God give you joy instead of mourning, and let Him make something beautiful out of the ashes of your life today. Are you ready to trade your ashes for His beauty?


December 1, 2013

Major Pain

You may be living carrying pain on the inside. Maybe you can barely get through your day without crying or feeling overwhelmed.

Your life is not over because you had a setback. God has an “after this” in your future. He has another victory planned. He wants to take you further than you ever dreamed possible! When you go through tough times, don’t be surprised if the enemy whispers in your ear, “You’ll never be as happy as you used to be. You’ve seen your best days. This setback is the end of you.” No, let that go in one ear and out the other. God is saying to you, “After the bad break, after the disappointment, after the pain, there is still a full life.” Know today that you have not danced your best dance. You have not laughed your best laugh. You have not dreamed your best dream. If you will stay in faith and not get bitter, God has an “after this” in your future. He’s not only going to bring you out, He is going to bring you out better than you were before. Are you ready to start living?

June 19, 2013


Forgiving does not mean you give someone who has hurt you power over you.

In order to move forward in life, we have to “let go of the past.” But have you ever wondered exactly how to do that? First, understand that we take hold of things in our minds with our thoughts. Our thoughts become words and actions that determine the direction of our lives. It’s that simple. If you want to choose a new direction for your life, you have to choose new thoughts. If you want to let go of the past, you have to quit thinking about it, quit talking about it, and quit reliving every negative experience. Oftentimes, when we see someone who has hurt us, that pain and offense is stirred up, and we start thinking about what happened again. But in that moment, you have a choice to make. One of the best things you can do, instead of rehearsing the hurt, is to pray for that person and speak blessing over them. Remember, forgiveness is for you. Letting go of bitterness is for you. Don’t let the past hold you back from what God has in store for your future any longer. Get past the past by choosing right thoughts because God has victory and blessing in store for your future. Are you letting go of the past and forgiving today?


June 4, 2013

Failure and Pain

Failure and pain are the entry fee for trying, the foundation for learning, the price–and proof–of living fully alive.

Some people only learn from failure and pain. These two aspects of life can be excellence teachers, but the key is for you to be an excellence student. Learn from them, but don’t stay with them. If you are trying to live a life of purpose then you will experience failure and pain. They are what qualify you for your destiny. Don’t let the failure and pain you experience cause you to stop learning and growing. Stay the course. Fight the good fight of faith.  Never allow the negative aspects of failure and pain to prevent you from your best day ever. To be fully alive you will have to go through these areas. The key is don’t stay there. Get what you need to get a move forward. Are you learning, growing and moving forward from what you have learned from failure and pain?


March 16, 2013

Growth Through Pain

It’s sometimes very difficult to see the opportunity in the midst of the pain, but it’s there. You must pursue it.

Too often, people spend so much time and energy dwelling on the past, dwelling on mistakes, or dwelling on disappointments. They don’t even realize that their focus is keeping them from moving forward in life. But in order to fully experience God’s blessings, you have to let go of those past hurts; you have to forget the former things to make room for the new. God has a new beginning in store for you, and the way you prepare for it is by getting rid of the old. Don’t spend time focusing on where you’ve been; spend time focusing on where you’re going. When you “forget the former things,” it means you’re not worried about the past anymore. You don’t allow it to dictate your future. You may remember past events, but you don’t feel the pain like you used to. You’ve opened your heart to receive God’s healing. Begin today by declaring that your past is over! Forget the former things and receive the restoration and victory God has in store for you. Are you ready to move forward today? Can you see the opportunity in the pain?


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