Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 2, 2021

Let It All Hang Out

How do you recognize a person that is hurting on the inside? How do you know if the person sitting next to you right now is going through a really tough situation? Chances are if you around folk today that most of them are hurting in some way.  There is a chance, too, that it could be you.

It can be hard sometimes to know if someone is going through a valley type situation because we hide it so well.  We don’t want other to know that we don’t have it all together.  We try to keep it a secret and make others think that we are tough.  If we tell someone about our hurts, disappointments and fears then they may think less of us.  Trust me, when we tell them is not when they find out about it.  Most times those that know us already know when we are hurting and they too know fears.  Truthfully though, does it really matter if they didn’t know? What if we were to open ourselves up and expose our inner most parts? Is getting all the mess out worse than dealing with them and living with them every day? For me I thought it was better to keep it all in, but I have realized that it is much better to get it out.  It is true that you have to be careful who you open up to, but find that person. Talk to your spouse, your parents, a teacher, a coach, a pastor. Find that one person you can talk to and be safe.

July 24, 2013


Those who rise to the top do not take rejection and look to blame others.

It has taken me a long time to learn to accept rejection and failure for what they are; just another step in the trail to my destiny.  Rejection is not a good feeling, but when you refuse to allow it to enter into your spirit then it can be a positive experience. When you can take rejection and rather than blaming others for your situation; you thank them for showing you who you really are in life. You learn from the experience of rejection failure. You turn what most would say is a terrible experience and feeling into a positive, character building moment. Never allow anyone to take away from you who you are. When someone rejects you, they simply don’t know what’s truly inside of you. They can’t see the greatness, the love, the compassion that resides in your heart. They have been hurt and hurting people will hurt people. Learn from the experiences in your life both the good and the bad. Then the good become better and bad aren’t so bad after all. Are you using rejection to become a better person?


February 5, 2011

Reflection of Hope

02 05 11 Saturday

From time to time it’s good to take step back and see where you have come from, where you are and where you are heading.  First, we look at where we come from. That can be a loaded question for some of us.

I took such a look back in my life not long ago.  I focused mainly on the past couple of years.  I was not happy with what I saw, but nevertheless it was there.  Many of you don’t know a lot about my past.  As this blog grows that number grows even larger.  The one word that really sums up my past and especially the past few years would be selfishness.  I was one of the most selfish people you would ever meet.  That selfishness would manifest itself in many different ways.  I had a very addictive personality or spirit alive and well inside me.  The selfishness I had fed on the addictive nature I had during that time.  That addictive spirit did everything it could to destroy me, my family and everyone else in my life.  It came mighty close to succeeding too.  I was 36 hours away from divorce at one point.  However, there was one thing I held on to; that was hope.  I knew there was hope for me, my family and my destiny.  God has worked a miracle in my life during the past two years.  I can honestly saw that I am not the same person I was then.  I still have changes to make and will never stop growing.  I hope this has given you some hope of your own.  There is hope for you too.  No matter what your past, your right now and your future holds; there is hope.  Hope will keep you alive when nothing else or no one else is there.  Hope will keep you company when everyone has left you.  Hope is a wonderful companion now as is was then.  Never give up! Hope is in your corner


January 25, 2011

Hip Hop Don't Stop

01 25 11 Tuesday

The other day my daughter, who is 7, came to me almost in tears, because she was having trouble with a Hip Hop dance routine she was trying to learn.  She told me she couldn’t do it and was going to give up.  Wonder how I reacted to that?

I am amazed at her young age how we start developing a give up mentality.  We feel like we aren’t good enough.  She doesn’t hear that at home, school, or church.  It is the nature that is in us at birth.  The older we get the more developed we become in that mindset.  We have to work at and train our mind to change.  Never give up! You are good enough and then some! You were created with purpose, destiny, and greatness in you!  How is it we let this go at a young age? The enemy of your life will plan negative seeds in your mind.  Don’t settle for average in your life.  Don’t let others tell you negative lies about yourself.  Train your self in the truth.  What does God say about you? He created you, you aren’t perfect, but the truth is what God says about you. The truth will always override the facts.

Well, about ten minutes after she and I talked, she came running back in the room telling me how she had gotten the routine down pat.  The truth was she could do it and failure was just part of the process.  What is the truth about you?


January 22, 2011

Even when…

01 22 11 Saturday

I was reading the other day and came across something that really has me thinking.  It was about the love that God has for us and how wonderful that love is.  Folk all time ask, if God is so loving why did this or that happen.

I honestly don’t know.  Sometimes we blame God for stuff that He had nothing to do with though.  If we never included Him in our plan or in what we were doing or even in our life. Then how can we blame Him for what goes on in our life? Again, I don’t know or even pretend to know all the why’s of life.  I am still trying get understanding about God loving me.  It should be simple, but for some reason I guess I am making it more difficult than it is.  He loves us enough to correct and discipline us.  He loves us enough to let us make our own decisions.  All that is well and good, but the thing that gets me is this; He loved me even when I turned my back on Him.  He loved me even when I was doing everything I could to hurt those that I said I loved.  He loves us even when…  To me that says it all.  When I didn’t deserve it the most; He loved me the most.  Not that I deserve it now, but He says I do; so I do.  Please don’t think that I am super spiritual, Christian.  I am just like you in that I make mistakes and make wrong choices.  I fall and I miss it, but now I know that God isn’t mad or punishing me.  He loves me so He corrects me and loves on me. That makes giving up not an option. His love will keep me getting me up every time I mess up.  God does love us so!


January 21, 2011

Correcting Love

01 21 11 Friday

Guilt and shame are not ways that God corrects us.  If that is what you feel then dump that and receive the correction God offers; His love.

I asked God to show me His love and the next thing I know He is correcting me and showing me things in my life that needed changing.  However, I realized that the guilt and shame that used to accompany correction was not present.  Then I realized that His love comes through correction and discipline.  Not the beat down, beat up, cut up and punishment I was so used to.  I had lived for so long outside the protection of His love that I just thought it was a way a life to have one disaster after another and feel so bad, so down, depressed and no good for anything.  I felt anything but loved.  No more! I am beginning to experience His love in a way I haven’t before; not at home, church, or anywhere else.  Not to say it wasn’t there and available, because it was, I just didn’t have my heart tuned in.  I had allowed Satan to tear me up for so long and call it Jesus.  He is a liar and the father of lies.  I see the truth of my life and it isn’t in condemnation and punishment.  Rather it is in the correction and discipline of a loving God.

I hope that this helps you in some way.  I could keep going but I really don’t like just talking about me, but today was different.  This has totally engulfed me and know there is yet more to come.  What are you feeling in your life today? Is it a loving God or a lying devil?


January 19, 2011

Battle for the Mind

01 19 11 Wednesday

There is a war going on, a massive battle taking place.  Where at you ask; in our mind.  There is daily warfare taking place in our mind everyday.

I know on my part, I deal with mental battles everyday. Some days are better than others, but the opportunity is there each day.  It is our choice what we allow into our minds.  For me, I deal with the rejection mindset. I deal with feeling not good enough.  However, I don’t have to believe it.  I know that I am accepted and that I am good enough to do what I am called to do.  There are so many that can’t seem to win the mental battle.  There is nothing worse than having a defeated mindset.  Mental battles can leave you at the point of depression.  They can rob you of physical energy and ultimately of your destiny.  The enemy of your destiny knows that if he can keep you tied up mentally; you will never live your destiny.  We have to replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God.  We have to believe what our Creator says about us rather than what the destroyer says about us.  It sounds easy, but I do understand it can be very difficult.  Let’s work together to build one another up and win the battle of the mind.


January 3, 2011

Coming Together

01 03 11 Monday

There is healing waiting for you and your relationships.  A broken heart can be the hardest thing to recover from in our life.  This year is going to be a time of healing for broken hearts.

Your best friend, spouse, or family may have broken your heart.  I really believe this year there are going to be many relationships restored and reconciled.  Our part is to make sure we have a clean, pure heart toward that person.  In other words, we must let love be our guide.  If relationships are going to be restored there has to be love.  When we have unconditional love then there will be no selfishness or pride blocking the reconciling of relationships.  If you really want to live your destiny; then relationships are vital. Allow the love in you to bring back those friendships.  Let love bring you together.


January 2, 2011

Restoring Relationships

01 02 11 Sunday

I believe this will be a time of restoration and reconciliation of relationships. Is there someone in your life that has walked out or deleted you? This is going to be a year of reviving some of those friendships.

We all have had folk that we were close too, but for some reason or another that relationship was severed.  It could be any number of reasons, but this is going to be a year that relationships are restored and reconciled.  The story of the prodigal son comes to mind.  I see prodigal son type happenings in our lives this year.  There will be some cases where we are the prodigal coming home.  There are several keys to this happening; one is we have to be humble.  Pride is more than likely the reason the relationship was cut short in first place.  The second is love; we have to show and receive the unconditional love that gives life to relationships.

This is going to be an awesome year of destiny.  That will include the restoration and reconciliation of relationships.  I look forward to hearing some of your stories of this happening in your life.


December 28, 2010

Laissez les bons temps rouler

12 28 10 Tuesday

A very popular and familiar saying in my family is laissez les bons temps rouler; which means let the good times roll.  With this in mind; it is time we roll our cares, problems, insecurities, hurts, disappointments, and failures over on the God.

All through the Bible, God tells us to roll our care over on to Him because He cares for us.  As we get closer to end of this year, let’s make begin to unload all the stuff that is weighing us down and never pick it up again.  If we are going to walk and live our destiny, we can’t be carrying the cares of our past and all the negative  stuff that has happened to us.  We have to be renewed in our mind and heart.  We have to get free of all that mess that has been hurting us for way too long.  Once you have rolled your care off, don’t pick it back up and don’t let anyone else put it back on you.  Stay free of it and stay clear of it.  You will have some pep in your step when you are don’t have all that baggage on you.  Your mind will be clear and you will be able to think clearly and quickly.  You will begin to make good and sharp decisions.  Discouragement won’t come on you, cause when it tries to get in you, you will roll it off.  So laissez les bons temps rouler everybody.  It’s going to be a great new year for you.  Your life is going to go to another level of awesomeness.  I am so proud of you!


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