July 31, 2024
Making changes in your life can be difficult.
There comes a time when you have to take a good long look at yourself and make some changes. People around you may be telling you about the changes you need to make, but it’s all up to you. Until you make up your mind, develop a process of change and then work your process; you will never change. Don’t try to change without a process and without a few close friends to keep you accountable. It’s what inspected not expected that gets done. I have had to make some minor and major changes in my life. I have an addictive personality. If 1 is good then 17 got to be better. This is a major weakness that I have to work on. Not keep under control, but change completely. I will not be controlled or lead by an addictive personality. Yeah, change can be difficult but not impossible. I know that if I can make changes in my life then you can as well. We are all in this together. Don’t give in and quit. Keep up, develop your process and then use that to be the Champion that you are. Are you ready to make some changes today?