Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 29, 2012

Encouraging Others

Encourage someone every day. Everywhere we go, we should be depositing love and hope into people’s lives.

One of the best ways to share God’s love is by encouraging others and lifting them up. Look for opportunities to make others feel good about who they are. Write them a note, send a text or an e-mail.  Let others know how you appreciate them.  Our thoughts don’t bless others until we tell them.  Love is not love until you give it away. That’s why we should be free with our compliments. If you’ll live outward–looking for those you can bless or make feel better–then those seeds you sow will always come back to you.  As you help others rise higher, God will help you rise higher too. There is no better why to demonstrate God’s love than encourage other people. Is there anyone that you can encourage today? Are there people in your life that need to be loved?


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