August 24, 2023
Facing the Challenges
I want you to become fascinated at the prospect of a challenge as opposed to frustrated.
Today’s life can be very noisy. If we allow it, all of us can live stressed, uptight, in a hurry and on edge. In the midst of the whirlwind of activity going on around us, we’ve got to learn to not let the busyness, the frustration and stress get on the inside of us. It may be hectic on the outside, but in your mind and spirit you can have peace. When life is coming at you from all directions I want you to be excited about the challenge. Frustration only leads to more frustration, which becomes a distraction, which will cause you to fail. Welcome the challenge. Get excited about it. Look at it as an opportunity for growth. See it as your time to show what you are made of. Champions love a challenge and you are a champion. Are you fascinated about challenges facing you today?