Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

September 26, 2012

Fear of Failure Pressure

Fear of failure will keep under constant pressure. Learn to use your failures to overcome pressure. Just a little change of perspective.

Are you scared of failing? At what others will think and say about you if you fail? If so, all you got to do is change your point of view, change your perspective. When you fear failure you are going to be under major pressure; which is going to ensure failure. Change the way you look at failure and you will notice to absence of pressure. When you look at failure as a teaching moment, something to learn from; then that pressure that aided in your failure will be gone. The pressure is coming in because of your perspective of failure. Really, it doesn’t matter what others say or think anyways. We all fail from time to time. Those that are talking about you have failed. As long as they can keep you down they don’t feel bad about their own failures. There is no reason, however, to be down because you failed at something. Get back up, lesson learned, and move forward again. You will not hear from those people for very long. They will separate themselves from you as you too will move away from them. You are moving in your destiny operating in your purpose using your gift. Those talkers, if moving at all, are just going in circles. Make up your mind today that the pressure that comes with the fear of failure will never affect you again. Have you had situations that pressure controlled you because of your fear of failure?

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