February 20, 2024
Focused and Unemotional
A Champion is never going to stand up in front waving a towel; he’s down at the end alone, focused and unemotional.
When you are the greatest of the great you aren’t showing off. You aren’t all rah rah, but you are already preparing for the next play. There isn’t time for all the theatrics. There are other people that have that responsibility. It’s not to say that you never show emotion, but only when you have finished the job. Then it’s not all the jumping around and screaming and hollering. You acknowledge that you have won and start preparing for the next level, Being a Champion is not like being like everyone else. To be at that level requires you to stay intensely focused, staying cool, and doing work. It is your place to be the one who stays in the game and keeps others there too. I hear all the time, ‘I can’t do it, it’s too hard.’ Yeah, it’s going to be hard but you welcome it. You are relentless at what you do. Practice keeping your cool and focus in the heat of the battle. When others are getting all emotional, you are at your best and getting the job done. Are you focused in the midst of chaos today?