Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 27, 2012

Hold on to Hope

Don’t give up on your marriage, your friendships, your family or yourself. I believe your breakthrough is coming soon.

You may tell me; “Scott, you have no idea how bad it is in my marriage,” ‘You have no clue to what they did to me,” or “I have tried and tried, but it’s no use.” I know there are times when there is no other course to end a relationship. However, make sure there is absolutely no other course to take. We tend to give up too early and let people go. If there is a glimmer of hope then hold on, don’t walk away yet. If there is physical abuse and your life is in danger, then by all means get out. If you aren’t in danger then don’t give up yet. People can and do change. You can’t change them, but you can work on yourself. Be the source of inspiration for them to change I understand that some people don’t seem to ever change. This makes me sad, but I see it all too often. I am for you today. I pray for you today. I pray for your relationship; whatever the level it is on. I pray for peace in your life today. I pray for joy and hope for you today too. Is there a relationship you have that is in doubt today? Is there anything you can do to save it?


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