October 29, 2022
Keeping It Simple
Simple is powerful, but simple doesn’t mean easy.
KISS; Keep It Super Simple is a profound statement. People tend to think being a Champion is complicated. This is not true. By eliminating distractions and clutter a person becomes unstoppable and relentless. This is very powerful. However, simple is rarely easy. Being a Champion is the hardest thing you will ever do. It is a grind day-in-day-out. To be in this group you have to be able to block out the distractions that come at you. There are always going to be people and circumstances that try to break your focus and complicate your life. This is where keeping it simple pays off. When you try to focus on more than one thing at a time, you focus on neither. Staying aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you is important, but don’t try to be in control of everything at once. Control what you can control and let the rest go. Being a Champion is not complicated, so if your life seems complex today, make some changes. Eliminate what needs to go and focus on what you do best. Keep your life simple will help you become the Champion you desire to be. Is your life simple and powerful today?