May 9, 2024
Love the Negative People
Love negative people because they make you positive.
When someone is negative I make it a point to find the positive. If they are talking about something negative I take the challenge to discover the positive side. Negative people drain the energy out of those they are around. Rather than letting the negativity drain you love them. Learn to appreciate them. They make you be even more positive. By their being negative it makes us want to be even that much more positive. It won’t always be easy or fun, but it is a refreshing way to deal with them. In time they may also see how you live and actually start to become more positive. Not everyone will but some just might. No matter what though, always find the positive side of every situation. Step back and have a positive perspective. Your life will be better and so will the lives of those you come into contact. Be the thermostat and not the thermometer. Set the standard for the room. Bring a positive environment to light. Are you loving negative people today?