Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 30, 2013

Mad Skills

Some people have incredible skills, but in the end, the person who has the talent but not the work ethic will lose out.

In my work as a Performance and Mental Conditioning Coach I work with some people that have high level skills. However, in many cases their strongest assets are also their biggest weaknesses. For some reason, those that have the greatest skills often have the worse work ethic. No one can make it on talent alone in the long run. We see people all the time that have mad skills but because they don’t do the mental work or practice their skill; they fall by the wayside. Don’t let this be you. Develop a work ethic that is like none other. You may lose from time to time, but never let it be because your opponent out worked you. Focus on what you are to do and let no or anybody distract you from your work. Work hard and most importantly work smart. I stress the working smart over working long hours but not getting anything done. Working hard is important, but be sure you are working smart. Practice your skill, your talent until it is automatic. Is your work ethic what it needs to be today?


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