Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 28, 2012

Manic Monday

If you dread and dislike Monday’s or any day of the week; then something is missing in your life. If you are living out your destiny and living in your purpose day in and day out; you will not dread any day of the week.

There are people going about their day to day business and are miserable.  They dread Monday’s and live for the weekends.  So they are miserable 5 days out of 7.  That is no way to live.  Matter of fact that is not living, that is just getting by.  When you see someone that is alive and never looks at their job as work, then you have found someone that is living their destiny.  If you you are walking in your destiny, operating in your purpose then you don’t dread Monday’s or any day for that matter.  When you are in your zone, then there really is no separation between you and what you do.  You see, you are what you do in your destiny.  There is not a job you go to and then your destiny. The two are one in the same.  Take a look at your life. Are you happy with your day to day or are you miserable.  God never intended for you to simply exist and be miserable your entire life.  Even during the tough times, you still have a joy and peace when you are living your destiny.  Take an inventory today and see where if you are living or not. 

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