March 10, 2024
Never Good Enough
Good enough is never good enough.
A Champion doesn’t do just good enough. Many people today want to do just enough to get by. Fewer and fewer are willing to go the extra mile. It’s getting tougher to find someone to simply go the first mile. I want to encourage you to have a; ‘and then some,’ attitude. Use your gift/talent to take you to a higher and new level of life. There is nothing like the adventure of walking in your destiny every day. Don’t settle for getting by or good enough. Don’t take your life for granted. You are here for a reason, you do have a purpose in the world. There is a specific reason for your being here. I am excited about your future. You are going to make a difference in the world. You have what it takes to be a world changer. You ready to go the extra mile today?