November 4, 2022
Peace Out!
An umpire calls the players safe or out. We have an internal umpire, so to speak, calling the plays and giving us direction.
Before you ever make a decision, you should stop and see if you have peace inside. If there’s unrest or an uneasy feeling inside, then don’t move forward. Let peace be your umpire. How many people get into a relationship that they didn’t have peace about and end up miserable? They buy things they didn’t have peace about. They end up in debt. They take a job they didn’t have peace about. They end up frustrated. Here’s the key: If you don’t have peace before you make the decision, you’re not going to have peace after you make the decision. If you don’t have peace about that person now, you’re not going to have peace if you get into relationship. If you don’t have peace about buying that new car, you’re not going to have peace when the payments come each month. Let peace in your heart be your umpire and settle any questions you have in your mind. Do you have peace today?