March 5, 2022
Respect and Awe
There is no privilege greater than the pressure to be a Champion, and no greater reward than earning the respect and awe of others.
I challenge you today to respond to the internal pressure to be a Champion. The price of being unstoppable is high, but the payoff is higher. We all want the rewards of being a Champion, but few are willing to put in the work. There are days when you just don’t feel like doing what it takes to be relentless. Those are the days when you have to double your effort. Do something that you don’t want to do. Champions don’t go by their feelings. Champions go by what has to be done and then do it. Remember, do or do not; there is no try. Determine today that you will do the work of a Champion. Whatever your field is, do your work with excellence. There is absolutely no reason or excuse for you not to be the best at what you do. You were created by God for this. This is your day. Be the Champion that you know you are supposed to be. Are you ready to do the work of a Champion?