July 8, 2022
When one is seriously stuck, there is an obvious choice that must be made. You can quit or breakthrough to a new level of purpose.
When you find yourself in a tough situation and you seem to be going nowhere, what do you do? You have two choices; give up or keep looking for a solution. A champion will keep on until they find the answer to the situation. However, many people quit and give up. They say its too hard and just stop. I want to encourage you to not throw in the towel. Keep looking for a way to overcome the issue. Use your gift/talent to find a way to break out of the cycle. Your purpose depends on finding the answer. Champions find answers to problems. There is no giving up in a person of purpose. There is only keep on working, keep grinding in a champion. Make use of what you have around you. There are people placed strategically in your life to help you today. So being stuck is common place for a champion. However, a champion doesn’t stay stuck. If you find yourself in a stuck situation, then know that you are about to find your breakthrough. Don’t give up on yourself. Are you stuck today?