Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 13, 2024

The Struggles

The struggle, adversity, and victories are all part of the Champion’s process and we must embrace all of it.

I have never known a great person that has not been through some tough times. It’s not necessarily the adversity that makes you a Champion, the struggle exposes the greatness of a Champion. A Champion never tries to avoid the struggles and adverse situations. I have seen some that will embrace the tough times, but when success comes, they shrink away from it. Fear of success is not uncommon in many people. However as a Champion you have to embrace both the tough and good times. Be at your best at all times. Even your bad days can be good days when you learn from them. Be a learner all the time. Whatever the situation take what it is offering. A Champion must be aware what is the truth of the situation. Embrace the struggle, the adversity and the victories in life. Are you embracing them all?

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